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The First Year: Ensuring Your Small Business Gets Through…

When you’re starting a new business, the first year is always one of the most frightening points. You don’t know whether you’re going to sink or swim, and it can be worrying to invest a lot of money and time into a business that may not work out as you want it to. Here are some tips on how to make that first year a success.


Surround Yourself With The Best People

When you’re starting a company, you may not have a huge amount of cashflow, which may mean that you want to spend as little as possible. However, one thing you should invest in is good staff: this is much more important than an incredibly sleek and expensive office, for example. Finding people who are dedicated to your company and what you do may be difficult, but they will be worth their weight in gold. Whether you go for extremely enthusiastic graduates or people who are more experienced in their fields and really know everything about what they are doing, the most important thing is that you communicate well and are focused on your end goals.

Learn To Network

Networking is the perfect way to drum up new business and to simply make people aware that your business and your product exist. Go to as many networking events as possible, and make sure that you go up to people to introduce yourself. Make sure that you boil what your company does down into one sentence so you can explain it in a way that’s easy to understand and that doesn’t meander on. 

Get Financially Savvy

It’s a good idea to be as good on the financial side as possible. This may not be easy if you see yourself as a creative person who provides ideas, which is often the way that a person who begins a start-up may be. But being good at figuring out your accounts and paying the correct amount of tax will save yourself a huge headache further down the line. If this doesn’t appeal to you, accounts is absolutely something you can outsource – there are plenty of resources and companies online like that you can check out for help.

Provide Excellent Customer Service

The best way that a small company can compete with a big company is through impeccable customer service, and this is something that you should strive to provide right from the beginning of your company. This is what will keep clients and customers returning to you time after time, and what will make you stand out from all the other companies that provide similar services (because let’s face it, very few ideas are completely unique in this extremely busy world!). Make sure that you follow up with people to ensure they are happy with your product, and keep checking in with them. A face to face meeting will never go amiss either – people know that time is valuable and that they are important to you if you meet in person.

Although starting your own company can be nervewracking, these easy tips should help you sail through the first year entirely unscathed!

Business Blog

Figuring Out The Best Kind of Marketing For Your…

There are numerous ways you can market and advertise a business, and getting your name out there to the right people really is key for running a successful company. Online marketing techniques such as social media marketing, selling with email, blogger outreach and banner ads on websites tend to work for most businesses- but there are other options to which you can add to your strategy. Here are a few examples so you can figure out which are right for you. 


Door to door marketing

Door to door marketing is considered as an ‘older’ type of marketing- it’s often overlooked by modern businesses since it can be more time consuming and expensive. This is because first you need to find salespeople (meaning there are recruiting costs such as job ads, interviews and training to consider). It takes time, since unlike putting an advert or posting a video online, these people have to physically go and knock potential customers doors, bearing in mind that response rates can be low. With this being said, it’s not a method to completely overlook, for some companies it can be an excellent way to go. Do you sell high value products that perhaps need more explaining so customers can see the benefit? In the case of things like windows, for example, customers will need to spend thousands on them and so having a representative who can answer questions, explain why it’s worth replacing them and gently persuade them to make that purchase could be an excellent tactic. If you sell lots of lower value items that need little explanation then of course, door to door marketing wouldn’t be right for you. 


Events and expos

Attending events or business expos are a great way to get your company out there to lots of relevant decision makers and interested customers and businesses. Again, it’s a particularly good choice if you have a product that needs to be demonstrated or used hands- on to appreciate. It can also be a great choice for very visual kinds of business, for example if you’re selling beautiful art prints or handmade craft goods. 


Flyers and posters

Another form of advertising which is often overlooked due to it being more old fashioned is flyers and leaflets- but again, it all depends on the business you run. If you’re a company that only sells to people in your local area- for example, a food establishment, a launderette or perhaps something like a student study cafe then you wouldn’t need to advertise far and wide on the internet. Instead, putting flyers through peoples doors and leaving them in places your potential customers will see them, and hanging posters can be highly effective. 

If you’re noticing a decline in profits then taking a closer look at your marketing is a smart move. In many cases, simply updating your marketing materials and trying something new could be enough to generate new interest.


Creating Your Instagram Aesthetic – FREE Template

First of all, you don’t have to be a professional photographer to have a great looking feed.

You can find plenty of FREE tools such as;

  • Canva to create graphics
  • Pexels FREE photos & business images 

In fact, my ENTIRE feed has been created mainly from my Samsung mobile! No professional cameras here! So here are a few SIMPLE tips to create a great looking Insta feed worthy of a growing small business.

Branding – Do you have a set colour palette on your website such as Mint Green, Gold and Yellow? It’s important we introduce your brand colours to your Instagram feed. 

Instagram Collections – Found your brand colours, great! Now we can test out our colour themes using Instagram collections! Instagram collections is a bit like Pinterest in the way it allows you to pin other peoples photos to create an aesthetically pleasing feed.

Check out these two small videos, the first showing you how to save a photo to a collection, the second how to find your collections.


How to find your collections!



Preview Grid – Once you have an idea of the theme you wish to run with, you can start to upload all your photos onto a grid. I use the Preview APP which is also an Instagram scheduler. You can then move around your photos and schedule them too! 


Composition – Now take a look at your photos. Some important things to think about are;

  • Do your photos have any negative white space around them or have you put two very busy, detailed pics next to each other? ( Visual Overload )
  • Are your colours balanced and spread out accordingly or do they clash?
  • Are you using lifestyle products such as a coffee cup, or ceramic plate, laptop?
  • Is it promotional overload?

Ok, so you should be on your way to creating an aesthetically pleasing Instagram feed which incorporates your brand colours!

Use the template below to create your feed layout. I have included a few bullet points for ideas so you can scribble them down in the boxes!

[su_button url=”” background=”#2def35″ size=”6″]Download Here [/su_button]

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