Category: SEO


5 Ways To Protect Your Business Against Lawsuits

Lawsuits can be costly – both financially and to your company’s reputation. In some cases, they can be enough to shut down a business that is unprepared. To prevent your company being crippled by a lawsuit, here are just five ways in your which you can defend yourself.

Hire an attorney

The simplest way to defend yourself from a lawsuit is to hire an attorney. An attorney may be able to advise on you the best direction to take when faced with a lawsuit. Attorneys can also be useful for helping you to introduce preventative measures, which could stop lawsuits from occurring in the first place. Make sure to do your research when looking for an attorney so that you find someone who is reliable and knowledgeable of your business niche.

Get contracts professionally written

Legally tight contracts can also be important when defending yourself against lawsuits. If a contract is poorly written, it is possible that information may be able to be misconstrued and used against you. However, a legally tight contract will be written in a way in which this is not possible. You should hire a professional legal writer to write your contracts and ensure that they are legally tight.

Insure yourself

Certain types of insurance may be able to provide compensation against a lawsuit. Medical indemnity insurance for example can protect doctors against lawsuits that may have been made on account of false diagnoses, misprescribed drugs or surgical errors. It’s worth shopping around for a medical indemnity insurance quote online. Insurance brokers may be able to help you find the best deal.

Tighten up security/health & safety

A lot of lawsuits are responses to accidents that could have been avoided by implementing good security or health and safety measures. Consider tightening up your security and health & safety. This could include taking extra precautions to protect client data and putting up extra signage to warn customers and employees of dangers. You may be able to hire a security advisor and a health and safety advisor to run an audit of your company and pinpoint any weaknesses that may need to be fixed.

Train your employees thoroughly

Investing in thorough training could minimise mistakes – many of which could be causes of lawsuits. Training your employees to deliver a professional service could prevent clients from filing lawsuits. Meanwhile, you should also include health and safety training that may protect you from employee lawsuits – training such as telling employees how to lift a box or use a ladder may seem simple, but it could aid your defence if an employee gets injured doing one of these tasks, providing that you can offer proof you’ve trained them in these tasks (usually by getting employees to sign a contract).  


Pinterest Tips For Social Success

Pinterest is a wonderful social media platform which is incredibly popular with mums and girls of all ages in particular. It is a visual platform where people can share crafts and recipes and fashion inspiration and it can really have a big impact on brands and bloggers all over the world. 

Today we want to delve more into this social

Platform which is often overshadowed by the likes of Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, and we will find out exactly how you can up your game online and use this amazing tool

Get brave behind the camera 

One of the biggest draws of Pinterest above many of the other social media platforms is the fact that it is image driven and easy to use. When you look into risk management for marketing in your business, social media is a low risk choice because it is free, and Pinterest is one of the most simple ones to use. Make sure you practice taking amazing and compelling photos because this is what will draw in your audience. Pinterest is all visual and it’s job is to provide inspiration. Creating an inspiring and stunning photograph will speak a thousand words. 

Pin more often

If you are looking to see success on this platform in the same way as hair gurus like Barefoot Blonde do, them you need to share more often and share more content. Social media is about being sociable and it is important for you to think about sharing more content more often, and even pin the same image several times to increase its visibility on the platform. 

Use it like you want to 

Pinterest is different to other social media platforms because it is very people driven and you are essentially sharing things which you find inspiring and making vision boards which other people can follow and share. Use Pinterest as if you were a regular person. Pin things which you enjoy and which inspire you and this will build up your visibility in the community and it will soon gain you a lot of followers. 

Use the right size images 

Unlike Instagram and other platforms, Pinterest won’t crop your image for you. When you choose an image to pin, Pinterest takes it how it is, and will share you pin as you intend it. This means it is important for you to be aware of how to size your images for success. Consider looking at templates such as on Canva where you can create a Pinterest appropriate image for our content. 

Describe them 

Pinterest is one of those platforms you can get carried away with, and you likely pin and pin and pin without paying much attention to the caption of the image. Make sure that the caption includes a description and hashtag because this is how it will be found on Pinterest search results. If you forget this step your content can end up completely lost and may only be found by comparison to pins which look similar.


Do Your Company Ethics Mean You’re Best Off Staying…

In an age where more of us than ever care about where our money goes, ethics in business should be at the forefront of any entrepreneur’s mind. As well as helping you to stand out from the crowd, something like a focus on ethical practices ensures you can connect with customers and earn respect. Getting on board with things like local fundraising is also your best chance of doing good with your influence. 

It’s important to note, though, that business ethics are a double-edged sword. As much as they can boost your profile, they can also cost you sales if you’re found to go against ethics you’ve claimed in the past. This is why you should only ever express values which are dear to your heart. It’s also why you might want to go careful when outsourcing.

Most companies now outsource various services to save time and money. If you aren’t careful about the companies you’re outsourcing with, though, they could compromise the values and reputation you’ve built for yourself. If you’ve spent a lot of time building a moral company compass, then, consider keeping things in-house to avoid the following faux pas.

Working with a company who have bad business practices

As a manager, you should do whatever you can to incorporate the best business practices possible. Sadly, you can’t say the same for outsourced companies. If your outsourced IT services come from a company famed for bad employee practices, you could soon fall under scrutiny, too. If you want to set a clear example of positive business in every aspect of what you do, then, it’s worth keeping things in-house as much as possible. 

Funding a company who don’t share your eco-efforts

Making an effort to reduce your business’ carbon footprint is always positive. This effort alone can help you appeal to a young audience. Unless, of course, you outsource services such as delivery through companies who don’t share your efforts. When they buy from you, customers are trying to do their bit. If they find out that your courier service guzzles fuel by using old vehicles, they may soon turn away. Instead, you may be better off with in-house options like the vans and bodies available from Truckcraft Bodies. With 5% reduced emissions, these are sure to serve your company morals better than an ill-fitting courier, even if it means delivery takes you a bit longer. 

Connections with a company who outsource to contradictory brands

It’s also worth noting that outsourced companies don’t just outsource to you. They work with other brands too, many of whom may be contradictory to your cause. Worse, you have no way of accessing this information before signing a contract. Still, if a leak occurred which connected your health-based company with a cigarette manufacturer, for example, you’d be in real trouble. If you’re worried about what associations with brands could do to you, then, keep things close to home. That way, you can choose precisely who you’re associated with at all times.