Category: SEO


What Everyday Things Get Employees Grumpy?

Being in business is tougher than you probably expected. Once upon a time you were just an innocent naive entrepreneur who had a dream to run their own business. But now, after a few years you’ve become used to the pressure of trying to keep people happy. You’re always trying to impress and please customers, trying to grab the attention of the browsing consumer, making sure you’re reassuring your investors, speaking with partnerships etc. But other than all those outside entities, you have to please one group the most. Your employees are a symbol of your business. Don’t tell them this otherwise they might get a little too demanding from you, but they are the end all and be all of your business. They are the people that actually fulfil the actions that keep your business alive and thriving. So what happens if they’re grump? The short answer is, you don’t want to know!

Buy something delicious

Don’t you hate looking at dreary offices where there’s hardly any fun? It’s a serious place of work but it’s boring and it just seems lifeless. But how many of us have the funds to make the office more vibrant and improve the decor? Those large changes will help to make the working area a lot more attractive but it doesn’t necessarily keep employee spirits high. Surprises do however. Everyone loves delicious food, it’s one of the easiest senses to please. So, as the boss you should make an effort to occasionally buy everyone working in your office something that will boost their morale. A sandwich platter, an array of chocolates, small fruit and cream pots, or what about just good old fashioned pizza? Bring great food to the office and let everyone take what they want. It’s free, it’s delicious and it makes employees more cheerful.

In the bleak winter

It’s the changing of the seasons, spring and summer waved goodbye and autumn is now afoot. Your employees will be mindful that their workspace is adapting to the changing temperatures. Yes, even something simple as degrees farenheit in the office can change the way employees feel and think at work. To never have your air conditioners cut out during the winter, you should always have a diesel generator on hand. Generators can be used for anything, they’re just a simple solution to your power needs when your mains fail. They can also keep the computers and various machines working when natural disasters take out power lines across the grid. At least your employees will stay warm and able to do their work with such a solution.

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They need to hear it

You may think highly of your employees and really appreciate how hard their work. However, employees need to hear this from you. Just the occasional ‘good job’ or ‘really impressive, nice work’ from you is going to go a very long way. Employees look up to the boss sometimes, they also want to be noticed when it comes time for promotions. Simple encouraging words can lift your workers out of a bad day.

Employees are also a group that you need to constantly keep happy. Without them the business couldn’t keep your customers, investors and partners happy too.


Three Ways to Improve Your Social Media Strategy

You’ve set up your website, you’re ready to launch your start-up but there are some things you still need to get right. When you’re an entrepreneur you often find yourself having to be a jack-of-all-trades, having to figure out your marketing, sales and your accounts all while trying to fulfill your product or service.

It can be a tough road but if there’s one thing that you want to get right it’s your social media marketing, which is up there with direct marketing and finding the right SEO Company to get your website on point.

In this blog, we take a look at three things you need your social media marketing to do and how to get started.

Find Your Platform

Before you even begin to think about building a social media strategy there needs to be a strong element of research. Take the time to get this part right and everything that follows on from it will make sense and be effective.

You need to know which social media platforms you want to target. Are you customers spending their time hanging out on Instagram or are they avid Tweeters? Do they even prefer the far more conservative world of Pinterest over Facebook?

The way you’ll find out this is by asking them, or at least paying someone else to ask them for you. Employ a market research company to ask the questions, or devise your own however you find out, find out. You will save potentially thousands of pounds focussing your time and money on platforms that contain your customers and not creating content for the sake of it, which won’t reach anyone.

Be Relevant

You are not going to attract a following overnight, particularly if you are a new brand. Got a famous friend on Twitter, ask them to help out. The power of influencers is strong. Otherwise, you’re playing the long game. Build great foundations and post regular, high-quality, visually attractive content.

Use memes, videos, special offers, anything to attract a crowd and then keep going. Post several times a day, create momentum and keep at it.

Consider Advertising

If you’re struggling to get noticed in an ocean full of content then kick-start your campaign with some high-quality advertising. Yes it can be expensive but often this is an expense well worth absorbing. Plan your advertising carefully and follow-up quickly with your best content that will capture your new followers’ interests and lead them back to your website, time and time again. Eventually you will have that interest converted into sales if your website is in great shape and able to funnel customers through to a sale or query.

Don’t approach your social media strategy half-heartedly but don’t rush into it either. Make sure to get the building blocks set right before you move on to the job of creating content.

All the hard work will pay off and you’ll be glad you went about it the right way as your following takes off.


Decorating With Artificial Flowers

Offices can often be dreary and demotivating. A bit of colour and greenery from artificial flower hanging baskets would rarely go amiss, both to enliven the sight of the area and the attitudes of the people working within it. Yet offices can be big places, with lots of spots to choose from. Each of these has its merits.

Within every office, there are often countless individual desks where employees toil away for hours most days of the week. Companies like Powerhouse Group optimise these spaces to ensure productivity. The design of these desks will likely affect the practicality of having artificial hanging baskets at them – for instance, if they’re low-build structures with no suspended platforms above head-height, then there’s nowhere to hang anything from. However, if such platforms exist then that means you can add some much-needed colour to your desk, providing something pleasant to look at whenever the workload begins to get stressful. 

On a more collective basis, most offices have some sort of kitchen area where coffees and teas are made, lunches eaten and gossip passed. Such zones or rooms are often intended as a chilled out location where employees can wind down, so the addition of artificial flower hanging baskets only adds to the already upbeat atmosphere. Yet aside from their merits, neither of these options are as visible as suspending a basket from the windowsill, either on the inside or outside of the glass. Such a location is often on show for the entire office to see and, if many baskets are lined up one after another

The benefits of mixing up the sizes

As with colours and types of flowers, it is always preferable to have a range of basket sizes. It mixes things up and breaks up any overwhelming sense of uniformity to provide a more appealing and diverse view. And on top of that, each type of basket size has its own benefits, whether in a collection or on its own.

Most of the time such artificial hanging baskets come in either small, medium or large sizes, with each basket ranging from and around 30cm to 40cm. Small and medium-sized silk piece options are better suited to interior assemblages, as they provide a bit of colour and greenery without taking up so much room as to be inconvenient. This is especially true of small baskets in close-knit quarters such as bathrooms, office desks and sheds. When it comes to outdoor, wide gardens however, it is worth mixing things up with a few of the larger varieties as too many smaller ones can appear as if the space isn’t being best used. 

Large artificial flower hanging baskets also expand the amount of colour on show, which can boost your mood while sitting outside on a sunny day. When decorating larger spaces – for instance, a warehouse or centre during an exhibition or other big event – then the broader the basket, the more visible it will be the passers-by. The height at which you hang your flowers will also make a difference: whereas a tall doorway may require a bigger basket in order to make the flowers clearly visible, a short porch frame at head-height is easy to see and as such could make do with just a medium-sized option.