Category: travel


How to Save Facebook Content You Wish To Schedule…

OK, so I have to admit I’m a nightmare when it comes to organising myself! I’m always looking for interesting content to schedule into my clients Hootsuite accounts and I came across so much great content on Facebook that I wished to share and then couldn’t find it again!

So I use this simple tip.

Once you see an article you would like to save for a later date, simply click on the dots in the top right hand corner and then click save link.  


Then simply click back onto your Facebook homepage and click on the saved icon. 


           You will be given multiple options to share it on your business page, personal feed, in a group, ect.


To make things even easier, Facebook also have a save to Facebook extension so that you can save any page whilst you browse the internet. I love this feature and it reminds me a bit of the Hootsuite extension which allows you to do the same.        

Interested in more social media tips? Click here!


How To Use Your Facebook Cover As A Call…

A call to action or CTA is used extensively in marketing and is used to prompt an immediate response or hopefully convert to a sale or a sign up.

Although this is fairly common practise on Twitter covers, I have recently noticed an increase in brands using calls to action on their Facebook covers and I can see why!

Your Facebook cover is PERFECT for this because it is the first image a potential customer will see when they click on your business page!c

So what kind of CTA’s can you include in your cover?

  • A special event you have coming up
  • A release of a new product
  • A special offer or sale
  • An ‘ As featured in ‘ section to build trust
  • The release of an E-book
  • A live chat event
  • A subscription to a business blog
  • Any awards you have received or brilliant reviews!
  • Promoting a hashtag

Here are just a few examples of how you could use Canva to do this but obviously not using every CTA at once! Switch is around so your fans always have something new to discover.

Just REMEMBER the graphic will show up differently on your mobile so ensure you check the layout first! 


How To Set Up FREE Facebook Targeting For Each…

I thought I would run over this quickly as I was surprised by how many founders I had met that hadn’t realised they had this free Facebook targeting option.

Although Facebook targeting has been around since 2012, the focus now seems to be more on paid ads. But what about if you wished to increase your engagement on your organic posts, and for free?

Well you can and here’s how!

Apparently the organic targeting is set for your Facebook page fans but if a fan likes your post then depending on their viewing restrictions, THEIR friends will see it too and that’s why I think it’s so important to target to your fan base. ESPECIALLY if you have 50k or more! 

Imagine for example you have an event coming up in London, you can actually target London AND increase the reach by up to 50 miles meaning you will reach the greater area of London but fans in other countries will not need to see a post that is not relevant to them.

I should also mention that I have noticed I have received likes and comments from people that weren’t even my fans so let’s take a look at how to set it up!

Click on your business page settings and then search for ‘audience optimisation for posts’.

Simply tick the box and then go back to your main business page. Now when you click on new post you will see the small targeting symbol below next to the location pin.


Now type in the interests that your audience may have. Startups for example. You can even type in major publications such as Vogue and Forbes!

Once you have entered in your interests, click on ‘audience restrictions.’ You may now enter in a specific location such as within 25 miles of London and you can also set the age range and if it is for men or women, even a different language!


Once you have saved your options you can simply post your content and it will be targeted to your specified audience! Simple AND free!

Are you a founder looking for some basic social media training to incorporate into your business? Then click here to get in touch!