Category: Marketing blog

Marketing blog

My Google Analytic Tips To See If Your Website…

I’m slightly obsessed when it comes to google analytics.

The simple reason being, it can give you an incredible amount of data OTHER than the basics such as the most popular page, audience location and the source of your traffic. 

It can actually tell you HOW audience BEHAVES when they visit your site and their likes and dislikes which is invaluable.

I for one, have used it to develop under preforming pages by adding more internal linking, imagery and CTAs.

So here are my 3 actionable tips to review your own website and what is loved and hated!

The Bounce Rate

The bounce rate is the percentage of visitors to a particular website who navigate away from the site after viewing only one page.

A good bounce rate for me would be between 50 – 60 %. This is mainly to do with my website is a blog and in general, blogs tend to have higher bounce rates as the reader may read the content and leave straight after.

Interestingly enough, I converted my old travel blog into my new marketing website and I still receive traffic from a Pin on Pinterest on a daily basis. Particularly from a post on Norway.

Ass you can see from the screenshot above, the Norway post has a VERY high bounce rate but that’s because the people that visited my site are travel bloggers and not looking for social media for their small businesses in general so I would EXPECT them to leave.

The REAL issue for your business is when you have a high bounce rate for one of your pages and it it still relevant information to your niche. This is where you will need to review it and try a CTA like below.


A high bounce rate on a certain page also means you probably don’t have any linking to other pages on your blog or any free trials or CTAs. So by adding a simple call to action on a struggling page, you should be able to see the bounce rate lower over a period or around 4 weeks.

Below is an example of one of my calls to action.

Page Analytics By Google

There is another fantastic add on by google where you can see the % of clicks on your homepage for each section such as a CTA, each tab or particular images. This can be invaluable, especially if you have an online shop as it may tell you that a particular item receives MORE clicks on it than your best seller. 

You can then work out WHY people will not buy this product and it is likely to do with the pricing.

So my most popular page would be the blog at 11% of all clicks but the contact me button only has 0.9% so this is definitively something I need to work on.

Ok so there are my 3 simple tips to work out if your site is loved or hated!

If you would like more information on the Free consultancy trial for Small businesses in the UK, click HERE.


Marketing blog

Is It Worth Hiring A Social Media Manager?

Ahhh the bane of social media.

Time consuming, tedious, yet the majority of your competitors are using it forcing you to at least TRY to keep up appearances.

But is it worth hiring social media assistance? After all, you seem to be surviving with the obligatory 3 tweets a day…. even IF engagement is minimal, so what other services can a social media manager provide?

Time Restraints

Unfortunately, if you’re a founder, 3 tweets a day is probably all you can manage within your time constraints, and seeing as your tweet is likely to only be seen for a maximum of 20 seconds, you’ll need all the engagement you can get!

This is where a social media manager can be invaluable.

Not only can they manage multiple social media accounts, they can also monitor your competitors, engage with their customers and potentially create new leads.

After all, at the end of the day our main aim is to create leads and a strong brand presence and the simple fact is…… this can take time, time which you probably don’t have.

Balanced Content

The majority of social media managers will use your account NOT just to promote your product or service, but to post on topics relevant to your niche.

You see, there’s nothing worse than over promotional tweeting and nothing will make me unfollow someone faster.

A GOOD social media manager will use the 80/20 ratio, where they will divide promotional activities with content that holds VALUE! Increasing your following AND your engagement.


A GREAT social media manager always looks for the potential sales and opportunities. Did you know that you can find leads through Twitter just by typing in keywords in the search bar?

For example, if you’re a D.I.Y store looking for leads, just typing in ‘I hate D.I.Y London’ will bring you up potential leads from frustrated people having issues with D.I.Y furniture, painting ect – so a social media manager can engage with them and provide a solution.

Also, simply by monitoring your competitors followers and engaging with them, you have the potential to convert them to loyal customers. A good S.M manager will create Twitter lists for your target audience to engage with them on a daily basis.

Business Development 

You may be surprised to find that social media managers have a plethora of skills, from sales, PR, SEO, to PPC and website design.

Social media and business development also go hand in hand and every opportunity can be taken to develop partnerships and target potential distributors in your niche.

My current client has already managed to be featured in 3 website articles in her niche providing her with much needed PR and backlinks. After all, who DOESN’T want to increase their google rankings?


As much as you may hate it, it’s a fact that Google HATES static websites. Yes, it can take an hour or two out of your day but to start with, you only really need to be posting once or twice a week, and each post can be UNDER 500 words.

Creating a business blog for my last client was the SOLE reason we increased our traffic so dramatically, and even doubled our preferred London audience base.

When it comes to content, lists are always very popular. If you were a dating agency for example, short posts such as ‘ The 3 most romantic rooftops bars in London’ or ‘ The 3 best date outfits’ are simple yet catchy.

Too many founders see social media as something we do to keep an online presence, and not as a valuable sales tool. 

So what it really comes down to is if you don’t have the time to put in at least 5 hours a week to engage with potential customers, create new blog content and look for potential partnerships & PR opportunities, then it would be worthwhile looking to find some extra help.

Click HERE for my social media & business development packs!






Marketing blog

My Top 3 Twitter Follow/Unfollow Apps

Twitter can be an incredible marketing & lead generation tool.

Whether you are building partnerships, engaging with your audience or encouraging potential customers to jump on board your sales funnel, it’s also the place you are most likely to come face to face with your competitors.

And in this game, followers are everything.

I find however, the biggest issue is remembering who followed me and who NOT to unfollow when I am managing the numbers.

( After all, it always looks decidedly better to have more followers than who you are following and you want to be seen as a budding expert in your sector )

Of course, you can create twitter lists to find the content and influencers in your niche with ease, but how do you build AND manage a large audience base?

Here are my top 3 Twitter follow/unfollow aps to manage your followers!


Tweepi – With over 1 million users, Tweepi offers a wide range of features to manage your account. For unfollowing your non-followers, you can use Geeky Flush. This means that all your non followers will be ‘flushed away’ in one hit.


DownloadManage Flitter – With over 3 million users, Manage Flitter has also been featured in top social media blogs.  One of its best features is the ability to shedule a tweet when most of your followers are online! Add to the mix the Twitter analytics and you have a simple and effective app.



Crowdfire AppCrowdfire is one of the best free tools to use to manage your unfollowers and also one of the most popular. Where as most apps will charge you to unfollow, Crowdfire will give you 100 unfollows a day. Add to that the instagram option, the great ‘copy followers’ feature and you’re onto a winner!


Still too time consuming? Are you looking for a way to keep up with your competitors on social media but need an extra hand? Check out my affordable Twitter startup packages!