Attracting Top Talent to Your Business
As a small or new business, your staff plays a crucial part in your success. They are a big part of your business, whether your team is tiny, or a little bigger. They are the people that communicate with customers and clients, that do the day to day tasks and that offer customer service. Good staff will go the extra mile, both for you and your business. They are loyal and keen to learn new skills. But, attracting the best staff to a small business can be hard, and while some young and inexperienced team members are eager and enthusiastic, having some more skilled talent on board can be a good idea.
So, how do you attract them when you can’t afford to pay as much or offer the same financial perks as other businesses? What can you do to improve your recruitment process and bring better staff in? Let’s take a look.
Use an Online Recruiter
Most people today start their job search online. But, using a basic online job finder can mean that millions of the wrong people see your advert. You’ll undoubtedly get plenty of applications, but not necessarily for the people that you want to hire. Using a more niche online recruitment service, such as a medical recruitment site, can both simplify the process and make it more effective.
Offer Clear Job Descriptions
Many people make the mistake of using vague job descriptions, in the hope of getting more applicants. But the best staff won’t apply. They know what they are looking for. They want to see clear, easy to understand job descriptions so that they know if their application is worth their time.
Take the time to highlight the perks of working for you clearly. They may not be financial, so think of other values that you can offer, such as a chance to learn and develop as part of a growing business, and any progression and training that you might be able to offer.
Build a Reputation as an Excellent Employer
The best staff can afford to be picky. They certainly won’t want to work for bad employers that treat their staff poorly. Become known as an excellent employer that offers their staff equality, chances to develop and grow, fair treatment and pay, and a happy workplace, and you will start to attract skilled and loyal staff.
Don’t Underestimate Face to Face Communication
So much of our recruitment today is done online. In many ways, this is easier, but you shouldn’t underestimate the value of face to face communication. Attend job fairs and networking events. Invite people in for a chat about the jobs that you can offer. Spend time talking to people in real life.
Become a Kinder Business
The best employees aren’t just looking for ways to help themselves. They want to help the wider community and even the planet. Become a kind business. One that gets involved in community events, that raises money for charity, and that has clear, environmentally friendly policies, and people will be eager to work for you.
Keep an Open Mind
The best staff don’t necessarily look like the best staff. They might not even be the best on paper. Keep an open mind with recruitment, and don’t be scared to take a chance when your instincts tell you to.