What Your Online Presence Really Says About Your Firm
We all know that most businesses and self-starters own their own domain name, whether that’s self-hosted or through a service provider. We all know that we personally visit these websites to conduct our shopping, check for deals and research new information about select products we most want. This is the business market in 2017. Whole industries have been built around the online world, and that doesn’t show any signs of stopping in the least. This is a wonderful thing, as not only is it easier to become more informed as a customer but as a business owner, the speed and ease at which we work and communicate is unprecedented.
However, revelling in the benefits of this new methodology of working is great, but there are still ways to execute your efforts here badly. While it’s easier to reach more people than ever before with your online strategy, consumers are smarter than ever before and are more than capable of weeding out the wheat from the chaff. Appealing to their better instinct is the challenge and goal here. If you manage to effectively do this, repeat business will overwhelming fly in your direction.
You need to take care of your online presence to even think about making the most of this. If you’re a new business or believe you need help in this department, you can be sure that the following tips are likely to help you out:
While consumers look for businesses that provide a positive product or service experience, they also want to SEE your awareness online. What does that mean? Well, a customer is more likely to regard your firm as intelligent and in-the-know about what’s going on if you have support for multiple different online platforms. How can a customer feel comfortable doing business with you when you neglect to run anything more than your website?
At the very least, you will need Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn profiles to network effectively and conduct business. These platforms can serve as free marketing, so you’d be wrong to neglect opening them. Just make sure that they are manned by professionals, as a public blunder here can spell disaster for your image.
It’s very well being hosted on online platforms and as a result being seen, but what utility are you offering? Are you allowing your product lines to be hosted for direct purchase using links from your social media pages? Are you targeting your demographic directly with ads and potential ‘members clubs’ of those who use your platform? What can a customer even do when they visit your website? These questions are all important to ask, because these days it’s not enough to attract someone’s attention, you must also retain it.
At the very least you must stay online and keep your IT services relevant to take advantage of your growing platform, and services such as Prosyn can help you with this, leaving you more time to expand your zone of influence and less time worrying about your capacity to do so.
These two considerations are balanced in import, but like the Yin-Yang circle, one should not exist without the other. Make sure you balance them well for the best results, and you’ll be sure that your online dominance will grow at a steady pace.