Making Media Work For Your Marketing
Isn’t the Internet great?
It’s helped many different businesses reach a lot more people who they never would have a couple of decades ago. As a result, they are able to make more leads and turn those leads into lucrative sales. It’s fair to say that the Internet has helped many companies flourish!
But is your company using the Internet to its full potential? Most businesses are already on social media and have their own website. But if these look bland and boring, there is no way they are going to help you attract any new customers. That’s why you need to vary the types of media that you use on them! Not sure which media will work best for your company? Here are some different types and how you can utilise them.
It is now easier than ever to share videos. You can quickly post them to Facebook and Twitter, and you can also add them to your website layout. However, for your videos to make a big impact, you need to ensure that they are of a high quality. Lots of companies find that it really pays off to hire film companies to create some inspiring footage for them. Alternatively, if you have a very tight budget, you should be able to find some reasonably priced camera equipment if you fancy having a go at making a video yourself.
To brighten up your company website and social media accounts, you should use as many eye-catching photographs as possible. These days, you will find lots of websites that offer free stock images that you can use. However, it’s always best to use photos that you have taken yourself. That way, you can be sure that you hold full copyright and can use them however you want. Remember to add a photo to ever Facebook status or tweet that you publish, as it can help to draw people’s attention to it. A social media update that is just text can be boring and very forgettable.
The Graphic Interchange Format is more commonly referred to as a GIF. This is a moving picture and is most commonly used on social media. More often than not, they show a scene from a TV show or a movie that lasts only a few seconds. Some GIFs feature text, others do not. These are fun additions to your social media posts and can be very effective in place of a standard image. If you don’t have a photograph or video that is suitable for a specific post, I’m sure you will be able to find a GIF that can do the job. As GIFs are moving images, you will find that they attract a lot of attention to a post as they can attract a lot of attention. Not only that, though, but they make a post very shareable.
As you can see, you have lots of media to choose from. Whichever you go with will depend on the specific social media post or website page that you are adding it to!