Keep Your Business Greener Than Your Grass
Businesses have more reason than ever to aim to make themselves as environmentally friendly as possible. For one, there are plenty of ways to cut down on bills by more carefully using the resources at your disposal. More and more, however, consumers are caring about the corporate social responsibility of the businesses they patronize. So, here are some effective ways to start making the change.
Get an energy audit
Energy efficiency is still one of the biggest concerns of the modern business landscape. We rely more and more on technology than ever before, and we still waste a lot of energy even as we get more efficient. An energy audit, as shown here, can help us see the areas of the business in which we use the most energy, helping us replace those gas guzzlers and electricity eaters with more efficient devices.
Go paperless
The benefits of going paperless go beyond simply saving on the amount of paper that we use. We also have the energy costs of using printers and copiers to consider, as well as the toners and inks that they require. You can also save a lot of space by relying more on digital documentation, meaning you have to buy fewer cabinets and allow more room in the workplace for other resources and equipment.
Cut your water bills
Water isn’t as much of a priority for most businesses, but we do face the ever-growing threat of water shortages. For most businesses, water saving faucets and toilets are some of the biggest differences they can make. For outdoor businesses, such as farms and florists, however, you can click here to see tanks that allow you to collect and save a lot more water. The less you can rely on the water lines, the more you can save on those water bills, too.
Waste not, want not
Most businesses have serious issues with how they handle their waste. Simply getting rid of trash is no longer acceptable. There are plenty of efforts you can take to increase reuse and recycling. Some solutions are as simple as visiting here to supply your office space with recycle containers. When you’re getting rid of old furniture or digital equipment, there are plenty of places that can refurbish and resell them, too. You might even get a little money back for your troubles.
Share the love
As mentioned, there’s significant branding power in showing that your business is going for a more sustainable, environmentally friendly model. One of the ways to capitalize on that is to blog more about not just the eco-friendly measures you take, but tips on how your customers can replicate them. Content marketing is a huge part of online branding today, and helpful content about green living gets a lot of attention.
Above the practical reasons for growing green, we have to be able to reckon with the way that we do business. Ethical and responsible practices don’t just benefit the market, our customers, and our profitability. They help us believe in the work we do and the products and services we sell.