Category: Marketing blog

Marketing blog

How You Can Be 10x More Productive by Making…

The term productivity is often confused with being organized and a person that likes things just so. While a productive person is likely to plan achieve more over a long period of time than someone that is less productive, it also needs to become part of who you are. You don’t necessarily have to be doing more in the same amount of time; you can be productive and be doing less. It is all about worker smarter, not necessarily harder. But how can you make your worklife (and homelife if needed), be more productive? Here are some things you can do to make sure that you are getting much more of the right things done.


Look at the Stoppers

There are many things that might stop you from working as hard as you want to be. For many of us, it is simply us and our attitudes towards things. We can be the things that is getting in the way! Do we complain or blame others as a justification for not doing certain things? Do we organize our time badly? Take a look at what is stopping you at the moment; it will be different for everyone, but there will be something.


Think Positive

You’d be surprised at how much a change of mindset can alter how you feel and how you get things done. It can be as simple as saying that you have this and that specific tasks to get done today, what is the best way that you can achieve it? Rather than ‘I am feeling so overwhelmed, I’ll be glad when today is over’ kind of attitude. A change in attitude can help you to feel more productive and empowered.


Look at Tools To Help

Planning better and changing your mindset can make a big difference, but they can only get you so far. So looking for certain tools to help you to be more productive at work can be a good idea. Take cloud computing by Mustard IT, for example. Using the power of the cloud can enhance your collaborative efforts at work, and unite your workforce. The cloud helps you streamline your workflow, improve how productive you are, and redefine what is possible.


Remove Distractions

If you find that you are easily distracted, then it is time to remove those distractions. Do you just check your phone for social media notifications and then get sucked into it, and before you know it an hour has passed? If something like that is a distraction, then take the distraction away. Turn it off. Put it in airplane mode. Don’t even bring it to work. Figure out will work best for you. We will all have different distractions; so find out what yours are and you can go from there.


What helps you to be more productive at work? It is important to remember that not everyone will do well with everything as explained. So find out what will work for you, rather than giving up right away.


Marketing blog

4 Easy Ways Everyone Can Make Their Website Better

In this day and age, there are so many millions of websites that it can be hard for people to find yours. Whether you have a website selling furniture or offer editing services, the more people who visit your site, the better it is for business. Thankfully, there are some ways that you can improve your website and get that sought-after traffic.

Linked With Social Media Accounts

You should already have all the main social media accounts such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. If you don’t then start by creating an account on each. You can set your website to automatically post a social media message whenever something new happens on your website. This way you don’t miss out on posting important news to your followers. It is also a good idea to feature your social media accounts on your website. This can be done through having individual icons for people to click on so they can follow you, or you can have things like your Twitter timeline featured on your website. This will give people a feel for the kinds of things you use your social media for and makes them more likely to follow you. Using social media smartly on your website goes a long way to making it better.


Professionally Designed

A well-designed website will almost always beat a shabby, poorly constructed one. If you think your site needs improving, then consider seeking out a professional, like Mango Design, to make one designed specifically for your needs. If you choose to do this rather than using a premade them, then you will find that your site works a lot better and that customers find it easier to maneuver around. The easier and more accommodating your site is the more likely people are to spend time there, and in turn, this is more likely to make your business money.


Post Regularly

This one cannot be understated. If you have a blog (and you really should have one), then you need to be posting regularly. While you don’t need to post several times per day, posting at least once per week gives customers a new reason to visit your website. As you start to build up more articles, then the likelihood of you coming up in search engines also increases. Your blog posts should be about the industry or product that your website relates to, and they should be interesting and engaging to read. You don’t want to have clickbait that upsets potential customers.


Focus on SEO and Keywords

When you are crafting your blog posts, you will want to try and make them as SEO rich as possible. You will want to start to weave in specific keywords that will help them come up in search engine results. If your company is about biscuits, then trying to get something to do with that in most articles will help you to climb the search engine ranks. It needs to be natural though, so if you can’t figure out a way to get your keyword in, then you might need to go with a different one.


Marketing blog

Be Your Own Boss: Business Ideas For Newbies

When you want to get into business for yourself, it’s not always easy to know how to get started. Sometimes, you know what you want to be an entrepreneur, or you’ve always dreamt of owning your own business, but you just don’t know what you want to do – or even how to get started. But don’t let that be the obstacle that holds you back. Instead, you just need to be able to know what options you have, and go from there. Maybe you need something to inspire you, to get your brain going and to help you to decide where you want to start. So if you want to be your own boss but you just don’t know how to get there, maybe one of these ideas will help you.


Go Freelance

This isn’t going to be something that will be the right fit for everyone, but it could be your ticket to entrepreneurship if you’re in the right industry. Depending on what you do know, or what you’re skilled or experienced in, you might want to go freelance. And this doesn’t just apply to writers. You could be a marketer, an accountant, or even an interior designer. All of those jobs can be done on a freelance basis as a kind of consultancy. Because being your own boss doesn’t mean you have to set up something completely new. You could take your own skills and experience and just go it alone.


Open A Franchise

If you dislike your current job and you’re keen to get a business up and running fast, then you could think about starting a franchise. With a franchise business, a lot of the leg work is done for you. You already have a successful brand to work with and you’ve pretty much got some guaranteed custom. You just need to do your research and find the right franchise brand for you.

Buy A Business

If you like the idea of said business already being established, then you could think about taking one over. Because you can actually buy a business online from someone looking to sell. Of course, you will need the capital for this – or at least a way to raise it. But sometimes buying something that’s already successful can be a great way to get set up.


Go Into A Partnership

Or maybe you are starting to get a few business ideas? Or, you have a set skill or passion that you could create a business idea from? When that’s the case, why not consider going into business with someone else? Because sometimes, being in business can be stressful and lonely. But in a partnership, there are two of you to share the stress, the workload, and contribute ideas too.


Follow Your Dreams

Finally, you could always follow your dreams too. If you’ve always had a big business idea, but you’ve never really thought it was possible to make it happen. Now could be the time. Find yourself an investor and do it big. It might seem scary, but when you’re your own boss, it will all feel worth it.