Bold Business: Quirky Places To Set Up Shop
When it comes to opening a business, or even a smaller and more humble startup, there are a million things to consider. Where should you open your business? How should you conduct yourself within those early few days? How watertight is your working plan really? Do you have items or implements to wait on before you can even call yourself functional? What is the IT capability of your operation currently looking like, and how can you improve it further?
These are questions which all business leaders who started from humble beginnings have asked themselves at some point. No huge and successful leader ever had an easy ascent, and their start was likely anything but glamorous.
You may have noticed that one question was not listed above, perhaps one of the most important questions of all. Exactly where is your business going to be located? Not regarding an area, or location, or community, but in terms of which exact building space should you rent or purchase in order to get online? The answer isn’t always obvious. Sometimes, even the best decisions can elude us thanks to difficult landlords or stagnant permits.
If you’re running an operation from the ground level, and you hope to increase your growth over the next few months, the following tips should help you out regarding this issue:
Nobody said that the first year or so of business had to be glamorous. It’s likely that while you may have watched Google and Facebook office tours on YouTube, your desire for a space like that won’t be granted by a wish-giver. It’s important to keep costs low during the early stages, so if you haven’t even brought in a revenue stream just yet, or are lacking in any form of angel investing, then setting up shop in your garage could be a good place to start.
Here you may have access to your WiFi connection, and setting up additional power leads for a couple of home computer systems or laptop terminals is possible. Cleaning up the garage will allow for a lot of space, meaning a large table could be planted and sat around by your interns or budding employees. It will help you store items and separate yourself from your home space, which is important when trying to get into the working mindset. This should be a permanent solution, but it can help in the early months. Just be sure the building is well ventilated and lit, and is checked for fire safety.
Build Your Own
This might sound like a joke, but it’s really not. A plot of land can be found for cheap in suburban or even city communities, depending on the story behind it. If your revenue stream is now coming in reliably, and you have been approved for investment or some form of the shareholder agreement, the savings you have could help you place down investment in your own manufactured buildings. Here you can detail the size requirements and basically set up the entire office to the exact requirements of your future staff count and utility. This is highly suitable for those operating within a niche, who may have separate office requirements, such as a business that needs soundproofing or some form of studio reliability.
These smaller considerations may just be the thing you need. Consider them if you’re hoping for quirky, cost-effective and tailored solution to the needs your business currently has.