Category: Business Blog

Business Blog

5 Ways to Make Money from Your Blog

The world of blogging is one that’s expanded and grown beyond all recognition in recent years. New blogs are started every day. Bloggers work with well-known brands and businesses to promote products and advertise services. They get invited to big events, and they build large and loyal readerships. Of course, some blogs are online journals, their owners happy just to write for themselves, without any interest in, or desire to push further which is fine. But, if you want more, you can have it.

Your blog can be a way to learn new skills and advance your career. It can give you a chance to meet new people and gain fantastic new opportunities. It can even become a full-time career and business in its own right. Here are five of the ways that you can make money from your blog.

Selling a Product or Service

Selling on your blog is a great way to make an income, and build a business. With a woocommerce developer, it’s probably much easier than you might think.  But, you do need to decide whether you want to sell your own products or services, or those of other people. Think about your skills and knowledge and ask yourself what you’ve got to offer others that they’d be happy to pay for. This can be anything from a craft that you can make to a course that you could teach.



Advertising is an easy way to make money. Google Adsense and Mediavine are just two of the services that you can use to easily place advertisements on your site. You could even sell a space yourself. But, your profits will heavily depend on your traffic. The more you’ve got, the more you will earn.


Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a little like advertising, in the sense that you are selling someone else’s product. But, there’s a little more to it. As an affiliate, you’ll work with a company, advertising their products within your posts, with mentions, widgets, and adverts. If someone clicks through and makes a purchase, you’ll earn a commission.


Working with Brands

Working directly with brands can be a great way to make money. Brands pay you to test their products, to write about them on your site and to mention them on social media.


Hosting Sponsored Content

PR agencies and SEO firms pay bloggers to host content, talking about their services or linking back to their client’s sites. Hosting content like this won’t make you a lot of money, but it can be consistent.

The truth of it is that blogging isn’t a get rich quick scheme, and those that start a blog with the hope of making money are often disappointed by the amount of work that they have to put in before it becomes a reality, and that even then, their earnings are slow to grow. Most find that to earn decent money they need to work a variety of different income streams instead of relying on just one. These five options are great, but they certainly aren’t your only ones. Look at other ways to make money from your blog, and try as many as you can until you find those that work for you.

Business Blog

How to Successfully Transition Into Your New Office

When the time comes for your business to move into a new office, you’re faced with a big challenge to transition smoothly and successfully. You don’t want to disrupt your business too much because that could cost you massively if you’re not careful. There are some things that you can do to help the process along and make it easier for your business and everyone involved with it. Read on to find out more.


Make it a Team Effort

This whole process will be a whole lot easier for you and your business is you take a team approach to it. By turning it into a big team effort in which everyone pitches in and does their bit, you’ll be able to make sure that the workload is shared. It should also help to make everyone feel involved in the change and the new chapter being opened for the business.


Choose Good Movers to Assist with the Furniture

Having the right moving professionals working with you throughout this whole process really is vital. They’re there to ensure you get all of your furniture, technology and vital equipment from your old office to your new one without any problems or breakages along the way. You’ll be in much safer hands and get things done much quicker if you call on the professionals.

Ensure it’s Safe to Use

It’s vital to ensure all of the relevant safety checks have been made before you move anyone in. You could find a level 2 electrician to check the electrics and wiring to ensure everything is safe and as it should be. You should do the same for the gas and other things that could potentially cause safety issues if they’re not quite right. This is not something you can take risks with.


Decide on a Layout That Works

The layout of the new office is something that you’re obviously going to need to think about and decide on before you can move into the space. This is usually just a case of being practical and making the best use of the space you have available to you. Don’t rush it though because making the most of the space could help your business succeed in all kinds of ways.


Try Not to Rush Things

Finally, remember that you don’t need to rush this process. When you try to move too fast and rush through the important steps you need to take, you inevitably end up making mistakes that don’t need to be made at all. That’s not how it should be, so take your time and prioritise getting things right over getting things done as quickly as you possibly can.

Moving into a brand new office means having to deal with a lot of disruption and change. In truth, no entrepreneur likes too much disruption because it drags attention away from the things that matter in terms of selling to customers and making money. But the right approach will help you to minimise that disruption.

Business Blog

Are Direct Mail Campaigns Still Relevant in 2018? Things…

A lot of businesses commit the naive mistake of completely undermining their offline marketing campaigns. Yes, internet marketing is the future, but that doesn’t mean you cannot milk the age-old strategies that are still effective. One of those time-tested methods to promote businesses is direct mailing campaigns.

When done wrong, marketing mails end up in the trash without even escaping their printed envelope shell. Armed with the right strategy, direct marketing mails still packs a pretty mean punch. Therefore, if your direct mail campaign is failing to generate the desired results it makes good sense to tweak it instead of abandoning it all together. To help you with that, following are 5 things new businesses get wrong about direct marketing campaigns.

Not Being Creative Enough: Here’s the thing, you cannot expect a marketing strategy to bear fruit if it’s mind numbingly boring. To understand why boring ads and campaigns do not work it’s important to understand the competition. An average person is subjected to hundreds of ads on a daily basis. These ads are so intrusive and relentless that most people have begun unconsciously ignore internet pop-ups and television ads. Audiences only pay attention when the content is unique and interesting. To understand where the bar is set, marketers have used folded origami paper to uniquely reveal their marketing messages. Some direct mailing strategies even involve sending personalized gifts.

Ignoring the Envelope: Considering the fact that every household receives dozens of marketing mailers every day, it makes sense to invest in an envelope that’s attention grabbing. Buy printed envelopes online and customize it to match your campaign’s theme. You can even buy colorful printed envelopes, which instantly gives your mail an advantage over the ones packed inside boring white and brown envelopes.

Underutilizing Infographics: There is a reason why infographics work. People usually do not like to read long chunks of text. Infographic contents keep things simple and interesting by making your message visually impressive rather than text-heavy. While not all marketing campaigns can use infographics, you can always sneak in a beautiful infographic widget to break the monotony of texts.

Offering Something That’s Actually Interesting: You can create the most attractive pamphlets and pack them inside the most beautiful printed envelopes, but it will fail to generate positive results if the core message is underwhelming. Evaluate the offer and try and tweak it to make sure it’s appealing to the target audience. Which brings us to the next point, setting target audiences.

Not Targeting Customer Bases and Finding New Ones: Getting a mailing list is only the first step. You need to filter the list to make sure you are targeting the right people. This is because no matter what you do, you cannot sell refrigerators to people living in the poles. Consult a marketing expert who can help you identify the customer bases you should target. It’s also a splendid idea to try and find new customer bases and target them specifically utilizing a direct marketing campaign that’s geared towards them.