5 Reasons Your Business Isn’t Safe
If you own a business, then you’d probably like to think that it’s as safe as safe can be. However, this isn’t always the case. Most businesses out there aren’t taking the correct steps to stay safe in all aspects of the word, and end up regretting it and wishing they had done more later on.
Here are 5 reasons your business isn’t safe, and some suggestions on what to do:
You Haven’t Background Checked Your Employees
You may believe that you’ve made great hires within your business, but you can’t know that for sure if you haven’t background checked them first. It might sound extreme and a little strange, but it can save you from so many issues in the long run.
Although background checking your employees is a smart move, you still can’t be sure you can trust them if they have a clean record. Don’t become suspicious of everything they do – that would only cause even more problems. Your employees need to know you trust them. However, you should be careful of who you give keys, passwords, and other sensitive things to.
Your Building Isn’t Safe
For your business to be safe, your building needs to be safe. The doors and windows should be sturdy and reinforced, with strong locks to keep out intruders. The lighting must be appropriate, not only for your staff who are doing their jobs, but so that your car park is safe and that there are no ‘dark corners’. CCTV is always a good idea. It’s a great deterrent and can help you to identify what’s going on and who is behind it if you do have an issue. Ensuring you have the correct alarms installed is also a must, for your business and the safety of your employees. Make sure you go through the correct fire alarm installations, as well as intruder alarms and anything else you feel will help. The authorities may be able to advise you if you’re unsure.
You Don’t Have The Right Level Of Insurance Cover
Having insurance cover isn’t good enough if it doesn’t cover everything you need it to cover. This includes your building, employees, property, and so on and so forth. Make sure you have the right level of cover.
You’re Not Protecting Consumer Data The Right Way
You should have effective systems in place that filter out malware and other issues, as well as train employees to become hyper vigilant and suspicious in order to protect your consumer data.
You should encrypt sensitive data where possible and even implement a data protection policy so that everybody is on the same page.
Your Cyber Security Is Lacking
Assess your risk when it comes to cyber security, and ensure you focus on incident management. You should have multi factor authentication, as well as data encryption and securely managing encryption keys. Run regular tests on your network to make sure there are no problems, and know which law enforcement service to contact if something happens.
Is your business safe?