Under Lock, Key, And Sensible Practices: Protecting Our Digital…
Running a business is about an efficient workplace, happy employees, and a great product but we also have to remember that our marketing is a significant factor in establishing a relationship with the customer. In this day and age where everybody is running an e-commerce business or a blog that sells products, we have got to make sure that we are protecting our assets effectively. With something like your business website, it can very easily be hacked or abused by fraudulent employees. What can you do to protect this vital component of your business and your digital assets in general?
Outsource Your Protection
Working with a business IT consulting company can get you to the core of your business failures. We have to protect our business and this means that when we are allowing customers access to our website, if we don’t understand the key components of protecting our business, this is when data breaches can occur. It’s not just in terms of keeping our website safe from hackers or cyber terrorists but we’ve also got to remember that when we employ people we are trusting them to look after our business. There can be many fraudulent activities from the inside. We have to remember that when we are protecting ourselves that it’s not just from external sources.
Regular Software Patches
If you don’t factor in significant downtime to update your systems these small glitches will result in major problems down the line. The big problem that we all have when it’s time to update our operating systems or software is that there is no opportunity to do it. Regular software patches are all about paving over those cracks within the technological facade. You have to schedule in downtime because if you don’t, it will cost you a lot more time and money later on.
Communicate Guidelines To Employees
In a technical sense, we may have it covered but in a practical sense, we may not. When our employees are tasked with so many different aspects of running our website or business we’ve got to make sure that everything is done to the letter. When we have employees that work remotely or we have a BYOD policy we’ve got to have guidelines in place so our workers don’t misuse the services but it also keeps us sufficiently protected. Consistent communication of these guidelines will help our employees understand the bigger picture but we’ve got to make sure that they understand the outcome if this is not followed.
Encourage Sensible Practices
Having employees follow guidelines is essential but we’ve also got to encourage due diligence and sensible working practices. While most employees can spot something like a phishing scam not everybody can. It’s not advisable to assume that can spot one from a mile off. Part of encouraging employees to protect their business is about instilling some form of common sense. When we are relying on our website and we have staff members maintaining it, it could be so easy for mistakes to be made, which is why it’s important to implement specific processes for them to follow.
Our website is our window to the world and even if we don’t have sufficiently skilled employees on board we have to remember the very real threat of data breaches and fraudulent activities. Protecting our websites and online content is crucial.