Revealed: The Top 5 Video Marketing Mistakes To Avoid
Mistakes To Avoid
More businesses and organisations have taken on board just how crucial video marketing is to their brands. Thanks to tech innovations like smartphones and 5G, video marketing is fast gaining pace as the number one way to engage with busy customers.
There’s no getting around the fact that watching a video is more captivating to people on the go than reading several blocks of text on an ad. Sadly, some brands aren’t using video marketing to its full potential and make serious mistakes. Here are the top ones to avoid:
1. Trying to produce the video yourself
There’s nothing wrong with video self-production if you’ve got a personal brand or enjoy creating the odd random YouTube or Facebook video to share with your friends. But, if you’re trying to market a business or organisation, you shouldn’t produce the video yourself.
Most companies recognise the importance of video when marketing their brands, but a surprising amount doesn’t realise that video production is something you should leave to the professionals.
A professional video production team will have the right tools, equipment, software, and skills to create engaging content for your brand.
2. Forgetting your branding
You could make a fantastic video that might get millions of shares on social media. But what’s the point if those viewers don’t remember your brand name, logo, or online contact details?
It’s vital to incorporate your brand name, logo, and other details like a website URL in your videos. Don’t expect that information to accompany the video if someone shares your video or embeds it on their website or a forum, for example.
3. Waffling on too much
As with website content, you have just a few seconds to hook in your audience before they become disinterested and go elsewhere. When you have your viewers hooked, you must also make sure your videos aren’t too long.
If you’re promoting a product or service, and it’s not an in-depth explainer video, consider sticking to a maximum of two minutes. Any longer and your audience is less likely to finish watching your video.
4. Forgetting your call-to-action
Let’s face it: you want your audience to do something after they’ve finished watching your videos. You may hope they’ll visit your website and buy something, give you a call, or even sign up to your email newsletter.
Whatever you want your audience to do, be sure to make it evident at the end of your video. Your call-to-action should be prominent and give clear instructions to your viewers.
5. Forgetting to address your audience
It doesn’t matter what the message is that you want to convey to your audience. What’s essential is you address the people you are targeting in your video. Your video must focus on one problem, and you must talk to your viewers as if they stood in front of you.
The last thing you want to do is try to address ‘everyone’ in your videos. Instead, concentrate on a specific audience. You’ll gain more successful engagement with people by following that approach.
Good luck!