Marketing Your Business Culture to Customers and Candidates
These days, there is more of a spotlight being shone onto the culture of companies than there ever was in the past. Customers want to know that the companies they give their money to are good places that treat their employees well, and candidates want to know the exact same thing before they apply. That means you need to really market your business culture in the best possible light.
With that in mind, we’ve put together a few useful tips to help you market your business culture to customers and candidates alike.
Actually create a positive culture
It doesn’t matter if you hire the best recruitment marketing company on the planet or you post hundreds of pictures of your staff smiling away happily in the office, if your workplace culture isn’t actually that great, word will get out and all of your marketing efforts will be for nought, So, before you do anything else, make sure you actually do have a great workplace culture.
Imbue your content with culture
Ensuring that every piece of content you put out shows what it;’s like to work for your company, and does so in the best possible light, is a good way to let customers see what youtube company’s vision is and how it all plays out behind the scenes. In order to do this effectively, you’ll have to train and look after your employees, so that your content is authentic, so it should end up killing two birds with one stone.
Tell stories
Telling your employees’ individual stories is a great way to show anyone who is interested, what is going on at your companies. Making video profiles of your staff will enable them to talk about their experiences and show a bit more of what it’s like to work for your company. These video stories can be watched by both customers and potential new recruits, while simultaneously acting as a fabulous brand marketing tool.
Run an event
Hosting an event in your company’s workplace where you invite employees, customers and potential new recruits can be very effective,. Not only will it help to promote your business culture but it will help to build networks and show the world that you are doing your best to build a unique, exciting and friendly culture within your business.
Turn employees into influencers
Turning your employees into brand ambassadors is a really effective way of marketing your company culture to pretty much everyone, If your employees are singing your praises, whether by video, on websites like Glassdoor, or in person, people are going to be more inclined to believe them than they would any statements put out by the business itself. People believe people, not corporations, so treat your employees right and let them do the rest.
Don’t lie
If you lie about your company culture, you will eventually be found out and that will backfire on your spectacularly, so whatever else you do, be honest and be the best company you can be, genuinely.