Many Businesses Make These Common Marketing Mistakes. Does Yours?
Any business owner worth their salt is aware of just how important marketing is. After all, you could have the greatest product or service in the world, and it’s not going to make the slightest bit of difference if no one actually knows about it. There are few things more important to a business than getting the word out and bringing in new customers. And yet, despite how important it is, there are a lot of businesses that still end up making the same marketing mistakes over and over again. Many of these mistakes are rather subtle, and people only notice their impact over a long period of time, but they can often end up causing some pretty serious problems for your business as a whole. Here are just a few of the most common mistakes and how you can avoid making them.
Poorly integrated SEO
There’s no denying that online marketing is probably that most important marketing method out there for many businesses. The majority of your customers will find you through search engines like Google, and every year the number of phone books sold is going down. However, despite this, there are a lot of businesses that still aren’t able to take advantage of the things that sites like Google can offer. Sure, most businesses are aware of the importance of SEO and how it impacts their search engine rank. But they still seem to fail to understand how to use it properly. You can’t just throw out keywords randomly without integrating them into your content properly. Speak to any SEO agency, and they will tell you just how important integration into the content really is. It might be worth your while to outsource your SEO needs to a professional agency to ensure that you’re really making the most of it.
Focusing on a single platform
Sure, digital marketing is important, but that doesn’t mean that it’s the only form of marketing that matters. One of the biggest mistakes that a lot of newer businesses make is the fact that they focus on a single platform while completely ignoring any others. This means that they are likely missing out on a large number of customers who might not use the internet but are very likely to respond to TV or newspaper advertising. The key is to be aware of your demographic and understand what their media consumption habits are. If you’re aiming for a younger generation, then you should absolutely focus on things like social media, but if your main customer base is slightly older, then doing that may not be the best way forward.
Boring content
No matter what demographic you’re going after, no one is interested in dry, uninteresting advertising. You’ve got to be willing to create content that customers will want to engage with and, most importantly, share. Whether that’s a viral video that people can share on social media, or simply something that they can discuss around the water cooler at work the following day. Create an emotional reaction in your customers of any sort, and your marketing will be much more effective.