Keep Your Blog Merchandise Alive With These Top Tips
Blogging is a fantastic modern business model, and it’s one you can make the most of with a unique viewpoint and a way with words. Pair this with the ability to schedule posts and interact with readers, and you could be thinking about leaving the 9-5 in no time.
The only issue is that, in itself, blogging doesn’t always pay. To make that happen, you also need to think about ways to supplement your income, such as affiliate work and, as we’ll be discussing here, merchandise.
Creating your own brand of goodies can be a lucrative option indeed. In fact, this is perhaps the most controlled income source bloggers have, as it doesn’t rely on outside companies. Instead, merch done right could see you in total control of your earnings.
The trouble is that, for many bloggers, merch doesn’t exactly fly off the shelves. If your t-shirts are currently gathering dust while your finances dwindle, then keep reading to find out what you can do about it.
Find new ways to bring merch to your audience
It’s rarely enough to put merch on your blog shop and hope for the best, especially to start. Loyal readers might buy a t-shirt here or there, but big sales are unlikely to come your way. Instead, think about new ways to bring merch to audiences. Blogging events will be your primary option here, and investing in fun merch displays like custom arcade machines or interactive displays can add real interest. These fun options could even draw non-readers to your stand and, hopefully, result in sales and a new readership.
Create non-obvious C.T.As
Once merch is live, some of your content should focus around drumming up sales. That said, a sudden switch to ad-heavy calls to action can be incredibly off-putting. It’s a catch 22 situation alright, but it’s one you can overcome by merely turning your attention to less obvious ad-based posts. Subtle links that don’t mention your merch until the end, or even directly at all, can work best. Make sure, too, that you’re merging these posts with standard content that keeps readers amused and hooked.
Cut your losses and work on something else
Few bloggers hit on the ideal merchandise lines the first time they try. If your stuff really isn’t selling, then it’s crucial you know when to call it a day. Trying to flog gear that your readership clearly doesn’t want will only ever set you back, after all. This doesn’t mean your old stuff needs to be a total waste, as it can still help you to work out what went right and what didn’t. Using this knowledge, you can invest in a new merch line that will (hopefully) sell a lot better than the first.
Magic merchandise isn’t easy to come by, and it’s not unusual for sales to falter. Luckily, by taking these tips into account, you should find that you can start to pull a profit fit to keep your full-time blog efforts afloat at last.