Is Your Website Getting The Hits It Deserves?
Every business relies on metrics of some kind or another to decide how successful they are within a certain area. This may be about sales turnover, profit, margin, shrinkage, or conversion. When something is not good enough, the response is never to shrug your shoulders and hope for the best. The solution is always to see what you are doing wrong and to look for ways to improve or do this in another way.
When it comes to your website, this is no different. And as a business, you need to be taking your data very seriously. If your website is not getting the hits that it deserves, then you need to create a whole new strategy.
Developing Your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Strategy
If your business does not have an SEO strategy, then you need one as soon as possible. If this has left you scratching your head, you may well want to bring in the services of a digital marketing company who will know exactly how to get you to the top of the search engine results page in no time at all.
If this is something that you plan on doing in-house, then you will need to create a strategy that focuses on several key areas of your website and online presence. Once implemented, you will need to make continual adjustments and changes. Your SEO is not a one-stop fix. Getting you to the top of the search rankings is only half the battle. You will need to work to stay in the top spot.
How Best To Focus Your Attention
Improving the search rankings of your site should begin with a full assessment of where your site is performing. You can work this out by using tools such as Google Analytics and Google Search Console- which will provide you with lots of useful information about the links to and from your page, the speed that your page loads at, and whether all of your pages are appearing on Google. You can also look at the URLs of your pages to make sure that they are search engine friendly.
Other great sources of information about how your website is performing can be found on Arhefs and Moz. These sites can provide a full breakdown of how your site may be scoring based on a number of criteria that search engines may be using. Moz will provide your site with a domain authority score between 1- 100. The higher the score, the better. With breakdowns in a number of key SEO areas, you can see what may be affecting your score.
Making Your Site Accessible
One of the biggest areas that you should pay attention to is the speed of your website. Search engines don’t like directing users to slow loading sites. And people don’t want to wait more than a few seconds for a page to load. Don’t lose your visitors to a faster site.
The other area to look at is whether it loads on all devices well. Your site needs to load from phones, laptops, desktops, tablets, as well as be read by AIs