Create a social media marketing strategy
I get some really good cards for you actually for the Christmas period in December because we have the Six of Pentacles which means a loved one being very kind and generous and giving to you and for me this just is Christmas and the gift you are going to get are going to be better than you expectations I feel here.
Also Christmas is a very stressful time but for you we are actually having rest and recuperation coming in and a chance to recharge your batteries because we have the temperance which means actually feeling more balanced between your work and home life and family life too.
Lastly we have the page of Pentacles energy and this is the good news money messenger card so this could be for example a Christmas bonus you are going to receive because we have the good news message and card along with the empress now the empress is all about fertility and abundance and the Harvest so overall unlike most that stress over Christmas and money I feel you’re going to do OK for yourself and the things you receive you will be happy with too and I see a piece of jewellry heading your way from your partner and we have the 4 of wands energy around you too which traditionally was the marriage card but nowadays it can mean a closer bond and the type to be your life partner.