Category: SEO


The Fear Of It Coming Back.Chronic Illnesses & Starting…

I’ve just hit 40 and it has taken me through an unexpected whirlwind of emotions. The biggest is my biological clock…… the tick, tick ticking.

You see, it’s not uncommon for women to have children later in life now, after a career, and getting to where they want to go, they has been a huge surge in mothers having children past the age of 37, or ‘geriatric pregnancies’ as they are known!

But add to that a chronic illness that is debilitating when it kicks in makes it all the more harder when you consider starting a family.

You see, I feel so tired all the time. This is nothing new. I’ve been suffering from chronic fatigue now and similar symptoms from the age of 19 and a lot of my symptoms would worsen around my cycle. Cold sores, exhaustion, brain fog.

I was only 19 and I still couldn’t burn the candles at both ends, and when I did, I would end up taking more and more days of work just to recover, not from a hangover, but a debilitating exhaustion that made just getting dressed a mission.

So here I am at 40, and my body feels so old and tired, I wonder how I will ever make it to 70 some days.

I was diagnosed as having vestibular migraines at 35 and it literally was nearly the end of me, a few times and counting. 24/7 dizziness, bedridden, learning to walk again which took 2 years in total as a mere 20-minute stroll would send my dizziness and exhaustion through the roof.

Vestibular disorders are also closely associated with anxiety and depression too. Not only can your body not function properly, but neither can your mind, your speech, your vision, everything is out of whack.

So after my last 5-year relationship broke down, mainly due to my illness and my partner becoming a carer rather than a partner, the fear is real when I started my new relationship.

I say new but I am 3 years and counting and my biological clock is running out. Yes, I am open to having children, and have been for the last 5 years bit I was always too sick to consider it.

The likelihood of you relapsing, being bedridden for months again, so dizzy you cannot hold your child to feed them let alone see them properly, and then you have to account for the pregnancy. Where the third trimester can floor most women with fatigue, you naturally question how the hell will YOU be able to cope with chronic fatigue, 24/7 dizziness and vertigo attacks?

That’s the thing with chronic illnesses.

They are ALWAYS lurking, and you never know when you are going to take that hit that will send you back to square one.

And the questions you have, my partner never experienced how debilitating my symptoms were, do I need ANOTHER carer in my life? Will he stay? How will he cope? How would he handle being a single dad, literally as I could not function and have debilitating dizziness for months at a time?

So hitting 40 for me has not been about ageing as such or losing my looks. It’s been all about coping mentally, physically and that fear of going back to square one.

Would my illness stop me from trying to have a family? No. I know plenty of mothers that have 3 plus children with the same condition I do. But I also know their struggles, exhaustion and fatigue and it’s something I have to take into account.

But for now, I am truly grateful I have a loving partner, I can work from home and at least today I can see clearly and walk without dizziness too.

YES. Chronic fatigue is ALWAYS lurking. Like today after a 20-minute ice skate 2 days ago I have spent most of it wanting to sleep on the sofa.

And as for being a mum? I guess I will cross that bridge when I come to it.


Six Fun Ways To Grab Your Customer’s Attention

We’re living in a world of instant gratification. We want instant streaming, instant answers via the internet and in most cases, instant noodles. Everything that we do is all about catering to a ‘wanting it now’ culture and we’re all guilty of indulging in it. Time has become a very limited resource, which means that we need to do all that we can to work to that demand. When your business is at stake, getting to know how to grab your customers’ attention is a must – and doing it in a way that’s appealing to them is even more important. 

Funny headlines aren’t doing it anymore, and clickbait is just a good way to annoy people who come to visit your site. Clickbait titles can enable your customers to feel lied to and manipulated, so you want to capture their attention in a way that makes sense instead. Whether you use Two Giraffes for your next video marketing campaign, or you choose to get online and start blogging, you have to consider how you can best grab the attention of your customers. Let’s take a look at five fun ways you can grab your customer’s attention!

  1. Make sure that you have your audience right. When was the last time you considered how you targeted your audience? Where possible you need to begin with narrowing down who that audience is, and then you need to consider how you can appeal to those in that location. Once you identify the gaps, you’re going to be able to appeal to them. The right audience is imperative if you want to be able to choose your campaigns effectively. 
  2. Offer a surprise. Who doesn’t like surprises? The best way that you can give your customers the chance to form an instant connection with you is to offer them the element of surprise. It’s that sense of utter delight that you want to embody and you want your customers to feel when they encounter your brand.
  3. Use your words. Whether you are making a video for someone or you are blogging for others, you need to decide your wording and ensure that you are using the right ones to appeal to your customers. You have to be careful in choosing the right keywords, and that means using the right keywords in your SEO and your blogging or vlogging. People often remember a message more than they remember anything else about the company. Consider the phrase ‘I’m lovin’ it’ and then ask yourself whether that simple one was memorable enough. 
  4. Use instant positivity. You want people to be happy while they are looking at your products, and that means cultivating instant positivity in your marketing. This will keep people interested in your brand. 
  5. Make it simple. Your campaign shouldn’t be too complex. Even the shortest video clip should be easy to follow and not too difficult – your customers need things to be easy! Take time to figure this out before you try to grab anyone’s attention!
  6. Today’s competitive business landscape requires you to stand out in order grow and be successful. You need to strategize and start campaigns that can truly grab your target audience’s attention without being too formal! However, if you’re unsure how to proceed with your marketing strategies, never hesitate to consult with an agency. Just look up “digital marketing agency Cayman” and see all the agencies ready to help you! Partner up and watch how they can make your business grow!


How to Become The Face of Your Company

When you launch a company, one of the first things you might consider is that you will be the face of it. Being the face of your company can be difficult for those who are more naturally introverted and not very outgoing.

However, people often assume it is more relatable and more likely to buy your services and products when the company has a face. It is essential to make sure that your business has a powerful brand. As we know, authenticity is one of the critical things when it comes to selling. 

So how do you become the face of your company? And why is it just not a simple saying this is my company?

You are the feature

You need to make yourself the feature of your website. One of the most important things you can do is have a small profile picture of you on your company website and a small biography about you. 

It is also a good idea to make sure you have links to your social media profiles and any work you’ve done.

Write content

To start securing your position as an expert in your field, one of the most important things you can do is to publish some content yourself. You could also have this ghostwritten, as long as it uses your writing style and supports your business message.

If you aren’t keen on publishing your work on other people’s websites, consider writing a blog on your business website that people can read.

Socially Active

Having an active social media presence allows people who would be your potential clients or customers to get in touch with you directly. They can also get a feel for the kind of person you are and how you present yourself to the world. 

You could also talk about exciting new products and things that you are involved in.


When it comes to being unique within your business, you don’t have very long to make a lasting impact. So it’s crucial that when you do things in person, you make the best impression. Think outside of the box when it comes to business cards, and do something unique that leans into your brand.

Show up

It is important when it comes to networking events if you show up before your company. You should be recognized when your company name or even your branding is seen. Just like Richard Branson is one with a Virgin, and you’d never see Tesla without Elon Musk. These people are part of their brand, and you should be part of yours.

It is worth noting that when you are the company’s face, it is up to you always to put your best foot forward. You will need to be mindful of the company you keep, and what you share on social media. Make sure that everything that you do is aligned fully with your brand at all times. 

Are you searching for the right way to make your business, and brand stand out? Read more: 4 Ways To Make Your Small Business Look More Professional