Category: SEO


Do You Need IT Support? Here Are Some Signs…

If you think you may need IT support but you’re unsure of the right time to ask for help then don’t worry, you’re definitely in the right place. Whether you’re struggling with security or you’re launching a big project, ensuring you have strong IT systems in place is important. Luckily, there are lots of tools and services available should you need them. 

If you’re unsure about reaching out for help, here are some signs you may need to invest in IT support:

You’re Struggling With Security

If you have experienced a number of issues when it comes to online security, you may want to consider investing in IT support in order to prevent this from happening again. Whether it was a major data breach or something much smaller, you need to be sure you’re doing all that you can to protect the data you own as a business. For more information when it comes to online security as a business, you can visit this site here. 

You Have Experienced A Number Of Issues In A Short Space Of Time

If you have noticed that you’re experiencing a lot of issues over a short space of time, you may need to speak to a professional team to find out where you’re going wrong. Whether this means they come and take a look at the systems you’re currently using or they manage them for you, the changes will benefit your business greatly. For more information when it comes to charity IT support teams, you can visit this site here. 

You’re Looking To Expand Your Business

If you want to expand your business and you know you don’t have the facilities to do it in terms of your IT systems, investing in something more substantial could be the best route. Although it can be expensive, you need to put money into your business as it starts to grow. For more tips and tricks to bear in mind as your business starts to grow, you can visit this site here. 

You’re Taking On A Huge Project

If you are taking on a huge project and you’re unsure whether or not your systems are going to be able to cope, you may want to invest in some temporary measures. In most cases, you will find you’re able to hire a support team for a short amount of time. 

You Have Zero Training When It Comes To IT

Finally, if you have zero training when it comes to IT and you’re looking to improve your skills, hiring a support team to train you and your staff is a great option. Whether it’s ongoing training or a one-off session, you may be surprised by what you learn. If you can, train as many of your staff as you can at once, as this is the most cost-efficient way to make use of the time.

With lots of great reasons to hire IT support, you can be sure you’re getting the help you need. What else may lead you to that decision? Did we miss anything off of the list? Let us know your thoughts and ideas in the comments section below. 


Sold! How Anyone Can Tap Into Customer Desire

Marketing is a funny thing. On the one hand, it seems hopelessly technical. You have to spend your life collecting data, analyzing sentiment, and tweaking Adwords. But on the other, it is surprisingly human. You’re just having a conversation with people who can derive value from what you sell.

Please don’t misunderstand: collecting metrics is still essential, and all the most successful companies do it. But if you really want to compel people to buy your stuff, you have to delve deeper into the murky depths of their psyche. 

Point Out Your Shortcomings

Pointing out your shortcomings might sound like a bad idea, but it can have two positive effects: 

  1. It makes you appear more authentic 
  2. It helps to manage expectations

Telling a client that you can deliver the world automatically makes them suspicious of you. People are generally savvy, and they understand that you can’t get something for nothing. If you present yourself as someone who has all the answers, you look inauthentic and set yourself up for a fall.

If, however, you point out your weaknesses and then deliver in a way that blows your clients’ expectations out of the water, you’re in business. You’ll give them the feel-good factor, and they’ll know to return to you in the future. 

Focus On Scarcity

Whenever you design a PPC advert, you want to communicate scarcity in some way. It doesn’t actually matter what form it takes, so long the customer believes that they need to act fast to take advantage of whatever you want to sell. 

NetSearch Digital Marketing – a PPC agency – points out the fact that you should never just “set and forget” online advertising. You should, in their view, always rotate it, bobbing and weaving with the times. An approach like this helps you to continually emphasize scarcity. Saying that an “offer ends on Sunday” or that “stocks are running out” is a good example.

Do Not Talk About Your Competitors In Your Pitch

You might offer goods and services identical to the next business, but that doesn’t mean you should mention them in your pitch. Research shows that when companies talk about their products in isolation, customers focus on them more. However, when they name drop their competitors, suddenly, their interest plummets. 

Keep your pitches simple. Focus on what you can offer. And don’t provide prospects any reason for their minds to wander. 

Come Up With A Catchy Opening Gambit

The hardest part of marketing isn’t selling, it is grabbing the attention of customers in the first place.

Researchers have looked into how companies might go about doing this. Investigators, for instance, approached people to hand over their email addresses in exchange for a bottle of free soda. Around a third of people took the experimenters up on their offer. 

However, when they approached customers with the question: do you consider yourself an adventurous person? they handed over the email addresses two-thirds of the time. 

Asking the question was a way to align prospects with the brand image. 


Here’s What You Learn When You Spend Your Life…

Modern businesses rely on their reputation more than ever before. Customers want to know that they are buying from firms that align with their values, especially millennials. 

At the same time, the level of scrutiny of the average business is at an all-time high. The internet has created a permanent record of practically every newsworthy event concerning the organization. So company bosses have to be more careful than ever. 

The need for effective public relations, therefore, has never been greater. Practically every firm needs at least someone who understands how the game works. Without a professional on their team, they’re pretty much waiting for disaster to happen – and it will according to

When you work in a PR firm your entire life, you learn a lot about the world. The problem is that the majority of businesses are oblivious. They believe that the fundamental nature of their enterprise is to create valuable products. It is not. The key to unlocking long-term success is to master PR. 

Most PR Firms Will Reflect Your Desires Back At You

PR firms are in the business of helping you project a desired image into the public space. But they don’t work in a vacuum. Instead, they consult endlessly with you about the type of persona you want to come across in your outreach. 

And this is where you need to be careful. Some PR professionals are in the business of selling you what you think you want, not what you actually need. If you get some pushback from a partner, that’s a good sign. Don’t settle for yes men. 

Customers Want Authority 

Businesses often believe that they need to become servants of their customers, bobbing, and weaving with their desires. But threading that needle is difficult. And many companies just come off looking weak. 

As points out, publishing in top journals and newspapers builds authority. When businesses do this (law firms in their example), customers flock to them. 

The reason for this is simple: authority is fundamentally what customers want. They don’t want to spend hours in the library, trying to figure out problems for themselves. They need somebody who will give them answers immediately. 

Therefore, don’t be afraid to use your PR push to create a strong sense of authority among your customers. You want to prove that you’re the team who understands their problems better than anyone else. 

You Need To Direct Your Investments To The Right Areas

You might think that investing in a public relations stunt will automatically generate some kind of return, like an advertising campaign

But, in reality, that’s not how it works. It is a creative process, so anything you put out there needs to make sense to your audience. It also needs to tickle the right nerve. Businesses that shoot for authority tend to do well out of it.

It is important to remember that your founding team is your most crucial asset in the entire process. So long as they understand what you’re trying to achieve as a company, you’re in a good position.