Category: <span>Business Blog</span>

Business Blog

4 Things SMB Owners Underestimate

Bosses have to make quick decisions for the good of the firm. Obsessing over judgment is a sure-fire way to lose money and lower efficiency. But, there are decisions which owners can’t make at the drop of a hat. Why? It’s because they are too important and far-reaching. Sadly, the management tends to spend too much time analysing the areas they shouldn’t. Therefore, they don’t pay enough time evaluating the sectors which can transform the company. It’s known as underestimating, and it happens on a daily basis in SMBs around the country.

To make sure you don’t fall into the trap, here are four “little” details that demand respect.


Physical Security

Businesses spend so much time securing their digital files that you could be forgiven for this lapse. Well, that is until you realise that hackers aren’t the only security threat. Offices contain electrical equipment, most of which are easy pickings for burglars. Then, there is the data which is stored offline just case of a breach. As a result, the premises need to be as secure as the servers. Access Security Products can help with their maglock and door retainer features. They even have mechanical door locking and keypads and readers.


Employee Theft

Sadly, third parties aren’t the biggest threat regarding theft. Normally, employees are the ones who steal company resources. A box of stationery here or there seems insignificant, but it costs the business money in the long-term. Plus, there is the attitude that it endorses. Before long, pens and pencils might make way for credit card numbers. The experts at Score suggest using office security cameras to reduce temptation. Also, purchase receipts are essential as they act as proof in their humble opinion. Many business owners would also recommend getting to know your employees. That way, you can spot indicators beforehand.


Brand Awareness

“I’ll just start a business and use the internet to advertise the brand. It’s no big deal!” Sorry, but marketing is a huge deal which doesn’t occur overnight. Aside from the time and effort, it also requires quite a bit of financing too. SMBs that underestimate advertising soon end up on the scrapheap as marketing opens new revenue streams. Standing out from the crowd is a big challenge which is why startups turn to professional agencies. If that is too expensive, try mastering the basics of SEO and social media. For example, use your platforms to promote novelty competitions which interact with consumers.



You will instantly disagree with this because recruiting employees is a long process. Still, just because it takes time and research doesn’t mean companies make informed decisions. Often, managers can’t find a way to split opinion so they cave and hire an applicant in which they don’t believe. Or, they choose a person who is less qualified, even if it’s a microscopic amount. The biggest mistake is to only focus on the CV. Quality employees are trained yet they are confident, perceptive and emotionally intelligent. Only by researching a candidate’s character can you spot these traits.

Are you guilty of underestimating business processes? If so, how do you plan to make amends?

Business Blog

The Secret To Happy Employees

We all want to be happy, right? It’s like the one universal truth that can be absolutely guaranteed. After all, what’s the point in any of this if we aren’t smiling from ear to ear until it starts to ache a little bit. That is why it’s so important you make sure your employees are happy. Or to put it o you in slightly more business-beneficial terms:


  • Happy employees are more productive employees.
  • Happy employees go on to be much better leaders.
  • Happy employees are almost always your most creative employees.
  • Happy employees are incredible team players.


Of course, this shouldn’t come as a shock to you because (as you are aware), those that work under your brand’s banner are spending the majority of their lives doing so. They work hella-long hours and they work five or six days a week, which puts happiness at the top of their priority.

In fact, employees would prefer being happier over being richer. Now, if you are a lazy-ish boss, then you probably read this in a dreary tone because you’d prefer to just throw money at the problem. If, however, you are a hands-on boss with a real admiration for those that work for you and with you, then you probably read that fact with an optimistic twang.

In any case, the question still hangs in the air: how can you help your employees feel happier at work? Well, to start with, you should definitely read our top tips below:


The Reality of Recognition

Nothing makes a person feel more content, satisfied, proud and valued than a little bit of real recognition, so make sure you are either keeping an eye out for those that are achieving or asking your managers to keep an eye out for you. It could be something obvious like smashing their sales target (woohoo, go them!), or could be something even more personal, such as acknowledging the effort someone has put in despite that terrible bit of personal news they received last month. You don’t need to go all out and buy them a new Audi to say they rock; just a company-wide email acknowledging their awesomeness (or even a little thank you) will help people know their contributions don’t go unnoticed. Ergo, happier.


Nothing Beats Friends

Close your eyes and think about when you are at your happiest and, the chances are, “being with friends” has made it into the top three. Using that pretty undeniable fact, a great way to ensure people are happy at work you need to make sure people feel like they have friends, and that means doing all you can to create a culture where that becomes possible. Now, we know this is not exactly easy because, well, you want your business to be a hive of productivity and not just a coffee shop for nattering but, as we pointed out in our list of examples, happiness equals productivity. That’s why you should encourage open conversation, have breakout areas and even dedicate some spaces to just enjoying life. It will work wonders, we promise.


Protect Them Where Possible

No one wants to work somewhere they can’t escape or vent or chat about any concerns they might have, which is why you need to give them that option. Sure, if you wanted to be super-duper up with the times, you could have an on-sight councillor to help people stay positive and focussed, but it could just be that you speak to an HR recruitment agency and a) add or b) bolster your HR department. The reason this will help boost your employees’ happiness levels is simple: they will feel like their interests are getting the level of interest and protection that they deserve, and that is a worry for employees. They fear speaking out about anything in case of repercussion and that can build up into resentment. So, give them a voice and the protection they want.

What Is It With Micromanagement?

Do you really think you’d be happier in your role if you had someone looking over your shoulder all the time and drip feeding your responsibilities? Exactly. So why encourage this kind of culture for everyone else. People want to know that you hired them for a reason – that their skills and talents and passions and experiences could be of benefit to you – so anything other than this will backfire. As such, try backing off a bit, try letting them have more control over a task and let them get things done the way they prefer to. If it doesn’t work, then reel it back in and help them understand, but if it does, then you will find that you’re getting a more productive employee that smiles a million times more. Now that has to be worth it, right?!


Encourage Some Downtime

Technology is amazing. It lets us be so productive. It lets us work efficiently even when we are away from the office. But that also makes it bad. In fact, more and more employees are struggling to cope with the feeling they always have to be working simply because they have a smartphone that allows it. And it’s not just tech. Even when they are at work and tapping away on their computers they are worried about stepping away for a second because their eyes hurt, even though stepping away for a bit is going to be so beneficial. That’s why you need to encourage this kind of downtime. Encourage people to take a little break every hour, have twenty-minute power downs come three o’clock and tell they are not to answer or check their phones when they get home because that is their time. What you will find is that a huge amount of stress is lifted from their shoulders. It’s amazing. It really is.

As you can see from each of these points, helping your employees be happier at work isn’t hard and, more importantly for your bottom-line, it doesn’t cost anything either. Now that’s pretty amazing stuff.

Business Blog

Moving Office? Consider these Tools to Keep Your Business…

There comes a time when your business will need bigger and fancier offices. If you have managed to rapidly grow your operation or had to move to new premises, you will need to project manage the move, so your customer service and day-to-day operation don’t suffer. Before you start, you need to consider using some important tools to make your move smoother, faster, cheaper, and more effective. Find some tips below.

Insurance Comparison Sites

When your business moves premises, you will need to take out new insurance that covers your building, equipment, and your public liability. Compare the prices of different providers using a comparison site. Your current business insurance company might automatically increase your monthly premium because you move, however, others can save you money. Don’t accept the renewal quote immediately.


Cloud Computing

Chances are, when you move to a new office, you will not be able to sit at your desk for a few days. Cloud computing will help you update your business accounts, keep an eye on your invoices, and communicate with customers. You can take care of your business from home for a few days, until your internet and phone lines are in place, and your computer network is fully operational.

Online Collaboration

If you give your employees time off while you move to the new office, you can ask them to work from home, and install some online collaboration tools on their computer and mobile devices. This way, you can get your operations moving, and take care of urgent issues. Slack, for example, allows you to send files, add comments, create documents, upload and share them, initiate phone calls, and provide feedback.


Storage Facilities

Instead of moving your office at once, you might want to take advantage of finding the right local storage facility that will hold your office equipment safely. If you are in a rush to move out, but your new office is far from being ready, you can rent Canning Vale Storage Units for a few days or weeks, and get moving at a time that suits you.

Virtual Assistant Services

If you offer online and phone support for your customers, moving office can be a challenging time. Get in touch with virtual assistant recruitment agencies or freelancing websites, and let a professional take care of your business for a few days. You can transfer your old phone lines to your virtual office, take messages, and set up a virtual reception without having to deal with every customer query yourself.

Moving your office can be challenging, and if you don’t project manage everything, you might end up losing some customers, orders, and missing deadlines. Take advantage of modern technology, sign up for cloud communication and collaboration tools, and get help from virtual assistants, to be able to focus on the move, instead of having to deal with everything yourself. Arrange a safe storage for your equipment and furniture, and choose a moving date that suits you and your business.