How I RADICALLY Increased My Twitter Reach With Triberr
Oh the joys of Twitter. A continuous need to engage and post unique content at least 3 times a day! Is there an easier way to build up followers rather than selling our souls to purchase them? Let’s have a quick look at one bloggers experience with a sharing platform called Triberr.
Obviously, its easy enough to follow hundreds so they follow you back, but what about your followers actually mentioning you in their posts or re tweeting you? As a start out blogger, I knew how vital social media was to increase my brand name and traffic but where to start with my 196 followers?
This is where Triberr came in.
Triberr is a social community where you can join tribes in your chosen sector, and then share tribe members posts through each others Twitter platforms.
For example, I joined 3 travel blogger tribes with a reach of over 2 million followers.
With my measly 196 followers, it would have taken me years to reach that amount of followers with the limited time I had for my blog!
I created a profile and simply added my RSS feed so that other triberr members could share my posts to their followers and within 2 weeks, the results speak for themselves. Some tribes have a HUGE reach of 50 million plus but to join you need to have at least 3,000 followers yourself. Which is what I’m working up to!
Remember the more posts you share of your tribe mates, the more return you tend to get.
Would you like assistance in setting up your Triberr account and one of our experts managing it for you for just a couple of hours a week? Then get in touch with one of our Designated Pas and let us get you on the Triberr map!