Arundel Castle – The South Downs
Continuing my 2 day exploration of Arundel, nestled snugly in the heart of the south downs, I continued my tour to the it’s highlight, Arundel castle.
I first saw Arundel from my train window, looming in it’s extravagance above leafy tree tops surrounded by lush marshland and the hazy river Arun.
It reminded me of Harry Potters Hogwarts! The castle itself is over a 1000 years old and now resides under the care of the Duke of Norfolk, who still resides in its quarters.
There are 3 different guest passes available, but seeing as I was on a backpackers budget, I picked the middle option which included the castles keep and gardens, also castle access to a few rooms for £11.00.
If you wish to take the grand tour of the elaborate castle chambers, with incredible views overlooking the south downs, I would advise upgrading to the £18.00 ticket that gives you full access.
The highlight for me was actually it’s famous landscaped gardens and water features. The collectors earl garden was the highlight of my trip to Arundel.
It’s based on a Jacobean style, flanked with oak obelisks and shell encrusted walls, framed by large terracotta plant pots and metallic dragonfly’s skimming perilously close to the waters edge.
I spent the rest of the afternoon under the shade of large oaks, reading my kindle on thick, lush, finely manicured lawns.
Would you like to visit? Arundel is only 1.20 minutes from central London!