Category: Marketing blog

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Learning With Your Business

As your business grows, you’ll notice yourself grow with it. Your attitude to the business world will change, as well as your attitude on how to run a business. In the beginning you will go through so many highs and lows, that’ll shape you into the boss you are today. Owning a business will bring you so much happiness and sense of achievement, it’s important to recognise how you’ve changed, and make sure it’s for the better to help aid your business.

Patience is one thing you may have liked to think you had a lot of in the beginning. But in reality, there would have been a lot of short tempered phone calls, not only to customers, but possibly family members as well. As your business grows you’ll have noticed you’ve learnt to deal with any stressful situations for the best possible outcome. Most of the time, having a short temper can leading to unwanted decisions being made, business being lossed, or if it’s at home it can damage relationships with your partner.

Although you’ll most likely have an accountant doing your bookkeeping for you, it’ll be up to you to monitor your profits and losses, to see where you’re going wrong in terms of sales and marketing. In the beginning this will all seem like jargon to you. But as you grow you’ll come to learn exactly what makes your business tick. You’ll learn what it takes to give your employees a boost of moral to up those sales. You will also grow to learn staying humble when you are making losses is key. Some people may want to give up when things begin to go pear shaped, but it’s important to find the source of the problem, address it, and come out on top.

One huge thing you’ll have come to understand is the legalities of running a business. Whether it be issues with customers and the lawsuits that can be put against you if you’re unethical towards them. But also with employee’s. There are so many things to consider such as safety, fair pay, fair treatment and fair working conditions that needs to be considered before hiring a team of people. This also applies if you’re hiring freelancers, some form of contract needs to be given to cover you back if injury occurs, or any legal employment disputes. In some cases, you would have also had to learn what’s required when sorting a contract between you and a customer. This is especially evident in the world of construction. Nothing can be completed with assessments and contracts being pulled up, which is normally left to construction dispute solicitors. But a lot of people do like to draw up the contracts themselves so a few people as possible are involved with their business.

As you can, you have to learn so many new skills, and learn from so many mistakes to get to the stage of being a successful business owner. It’s never easy, and it’s not always a happy experience, but the skills you learn will stay with you for life.

Marketing blog

Brand Building Secrets The Experts Don’t Want You To…

Your brand is essential to success. Through it, the company will create a reputation that should drive customers to your products and services. Of course, building one isn’t as simple as coming up with an idea and following through. It takes time, money and creativity, which is why businesses turn to the pros.

If you don’t want to pay someone else to complete the task, though, you don’t have to. The following are the secrets to brand building which the experts use to ensure success. As long as you consider these, there is no need for a professional. In fact, you might be the person people turn to in their time of need!

Recognise Customer Participation

Companies don’t build brands anymore, and it is because of technology. Nowadays, consumers find something they like and share it with their peers through Twitter or Facebook. Social media plays a significant role, and the average customer is at the forefront. With that in mind, make sure your brand is easy to share. Try and come up with ideas with are engaging and interactive for the best results. A great example is a competition or online quiz which rewards people with prizes.

Stop Self-Promoting

To leverage customers to spread the word, you need to add value. The reason a competition works is the fact that it provides a reward at the end. People won’t do anything which doesn’t aid their interests, which is why self-promotion needs to stop. Customers don’t want to hear about what you do and how good you are. They would rather hear about what they do for the good of the firm and how important it is to the bottom line. Don’t be afraid to talk about how much your base does for you and how much you value their loyalty.

Reinforce Whenever Possible

Too many companies think brandings stops with an advertisement. Of course, it doesn’t because the key to a successful brand is to always be in the customer’s mind. To do this, you need to take every opportunity to reinforce the brand when your base is around. One example is in-store marketing. Whether you have a physical store or an e-store, labeling solutions are practical. Whenever a person shops with you, they won’t be able to get away from the brand as it will stare them in the face. Electronic adverts or TV screens are also useful.

Never Forget

Businesses are in a catch-22 situation because they have to keep people happy while blooding new custom. In recent years, companies have decided that bringing in new customers is better than maintaining a loyal base. Sadly, this is not a good idea because it can affect the firm’s reputation. Just as customers speak about the good things, they talk about the bad, too. Therefore, never forget about the people who have been with you through thick and thin. Just as you would new customers, you should reward them with promotions and discounts.

All you have to do now is not blab!


Marketing blog

Allowing Employees To Become Involved In Improving Your Business

As a small business one of the ultimate ways to improve your business is simply to allow others to improve the business for you. Of course, this means that your employees become much more involved in your business. You’ve got to calculate how far you want them to travel down the rabbit hole. Every boss should keep their employees on their toes so that nobody gets too comfortable. This way, you can get the best out of the people you employees because everyone works harder and more as a team when they’re on shaky ground. With the principal in place, a business can continuously improve itself, as it goes along and becomes larger and larger. Don’t forget that behind the suits and well-groomed looks, business is always going to be functioning thanks to the human beings that come in and work at it. There are ways in which you can make all the staff, have a hand in improving the business.

Have a suggestions box

This may sound like something from the retro era of business, but this is still relevant. When you have a way for employees to give their managers suggestions on how they could improve the workplace, you’re hearing it straight from the horse’s mouth. The managers, in turn, will bring these suggestions to you directly, and since these are coming from the floor, there’s less chance of your head of sections and teams, to be trying to get ahead of their contemporaries. You can have a physical box in every part of your offices, which are collected at the end of the week. However, a great way would be to allow your staff to log on to a part of your business work interface, and leave suggestions online. This would increase the productivity and fluidity of the process.


Working within the frame

Every single business works within the framework of national employment laws. Sometimes as the business owner, your hands are tied if your employees are complaining about actual legal factors. For this, you should give them the option to look further into the peninsula business services complaints. It’s a professional company that has a hand in informing and advising businesses about employment laws. Being very open and honest, it loves to hear from people who have been affected by the business via complaints and or positive reviews. Your business may also take away a few tips on how to deal with complaints by customers as the procedure employed is very clear, and there’s lots of information on what happens to the complaint after it has been made.

Have updating meetings

Having meetings with staff members is crucial to building up a rapport with the people who make things work in your business. Update them on the general state of the business and how things are being worked on to improve the workplace. These sorts of meetings shouldn’t become too regular, but at least once a month would be a great way to keep people happy and know, they are being listened to.

Improving a business takes time. We can all become too focused on the customer’s needs, but without employees, no business can service the public and keep the wheels turning. Sometimes the only way to get better results from all your employees is to give them a hand improving the work environment themselves, via the option of suggestions and complaints.