Partying in the West Bank – Ramallah
Partying in Palestine
Ramallah….. surrounded by the hills of Jerusalem.
I had already been living in Israel for a year by then, with Israelis, but jumped at the chance to visit the west bank with Palestinian friends to see what it was really like.
I had heard some shocking stories about how I would get kidnapped or shot. All based on fear from my Moroccan Israeli hosts.
Its only when I repeated this to my Palestinian friends they all burst out laughing and all they could muster out of their mouths was… ‘ Is that the latest story?’ And continued to be consumed with the giggles making me feel like a gullible fool.
I could talk about the conflict all day but this blog is regarding my favourite bars.
Yes parts of Ramallah are shocking in their poverty, run down and unorganised. But this is also a town residing with great wealth, not to mention some of Yasser Arafat’s adopted children. Don’t be surprised to rock up in jeans and trainers at a bar to be turned away whilst Kardashianesque stunning women walk past you with sky high heels, and the tiniest of bodycon dresses. Yes I was shocked. This wasn’t the stereotype I had in mind. But we all build a picture in our heads until we live in someone elses shoes don’t we?
Bet Aneesi, has a large UN following and other aid agencies. These guys know how to party. Pretty much 50% of the bar was filled with Europeans, Canadian doctors, nurses, aid workers dancing and letting go. A beautiful large stone building with a large courtyard outside that hosts bands in the summer. This was definitely my favourite. Whilst you can forget where you are, you still need to remember this is a Muslim country and open affection at the bar is not tolerated.
Snow bar is another great bar hidden in the foothills of Ramallah, surrounded by trees, large seating areas and an open air bar and swimming pool. Bar snacks and the best Hummus I have ever eaten reside here along with a more calmer atmosphere with friends smoking shisha and couples on their date nights. This really is a beautiful place.
Check them out on facebook guys : )