How To Create A Simple Media Pack
A media pack is used as a direct sales tool to target your chosen market and also for PR purposes. It will include all aspects of your business and should be seen like a resume for your site. Unlike the traditional email, media packs create a more enjoyable experience for readers with fantastic, sophisticated design. Simply put, would you rather read an email or a magazine?
So how do we go about creating a media pack and what information should I include? Let’s take a look below at a simple media pack format.
Introduce Your Business
Remember, you are trying to aim for your target market here, not just a general introduction. Inform the reader who you are, what the purpose if of your business and the benefits of using your products. How do your products differ from other competitors on the market? Where are you located?
Mission Statement
This is the heart and soul of your company within one engaging paragraph. For example, if I was purchasing a large amount of paper for printing, there are multiple companies to choose from. But one that is known for recycled paper and is environmentally friendly would probably sway me above all others. As a guide, here are the 4 questions to create your mission statement.
- How do we do it?
- Whom do we do it for?
- What value are we bringing?
- What can we uniquely provide over all others?
Add Testimonials
Testimonials are an incredible marketing tool and add a sense of credibility to your website. Fantastic testimonials can be the deciding factor on whether the customer will go ahead and purchase from you. As guidance, try to answer the below questions on your testimonial.
- The problem the customer had
- Other solutions they tried which failed
- What solution YOU provided for them
- The outcome
Services Offered & Prices
We could split this into 2 different sections but you have a limited amount of time to engage with the customer before they will stop reading your Media pack, roughly 20 seconds in fact! That’s why it’s so important to be as transparent as possible. Think about answering the below questions.
- Has your product received great online reviews? Maybe it’s even been written about or is an award winning service like Designated PA? Include the reviews next to your product/service – ‘As seen in’ etc.
- Use power words to increase sales and make your sentences more punchy. Endorsed, Certified, Authentic etc.
- Add facts about your product. Does your printer use less cartridge ink but still has the same high quality finish as more expensive printers on the market?
- For pricing, ensure you have thoroughly researched the market and your competitors prices. Extortionate prices without an incredible product will just make your customers purchase from a more developed brand offering cheaper prices.
Processes & Contact Details
Vital information for the customer, do you have specific processes set up? How long will your product take to deliver? After they have purchased, what will happen next? Will you contact the customer within 24 hours? Do they download the product and how is there a user guide?
For your contact details, we want more than just a phone number and address. Are you ion Linkedin? Facebook and Twitter? Do you have a Pinterest account? What about your email address?
The Design
The design will quite simply make or break your product. The whole point of creating a media pack is a direct way of selling to our customers WITHOUT the conventional email. Think of how eye-catching infographics are. In fact infographics are the most shared content on the internet and for good reason! As humans, 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual. To create your presentation, you can use Powerpoint, Photoshop or simply hire a designer.