Category: SEO


Office Upgrades you Need to Consider

When it comes to upgrading your office space, there are a few different ways you can go. If you need some help getting started, then this is the guide for you.

Standing Desk

One of the first things you need to do is consider a standing desk. This is one of the trendiest options out there right now. It’s height variable which means you can sit at it in a range of positions. The best thing about a standing desk is that it promotes healthier posture and it’s also ideal if you want to reduce fatigue. The reality is that sitting down all day is not healthy at all. If you have team members who are doing this for 8+ hours a day then this is one of the best upgrades you can give them.

Ergonomic Desk and Chair

Alternatively, you could include a desk and chair setup. Remember that the placement of your desk can make or break your setup. The height of the chair has to make your hips so that they are level with your knees. You also need to place the monitor so it’s at arm’s length away. Put any objects that you use regularly close by and also don’t forget that the feel of the chair is an important part of the setup. Make sure that it’s comfortable, and that it also contours to the natural shape of the spine. If your current chairs don’t do this then it’s time for an upgrade. Remember, you can hire skip bins online with ease.


Believe it or not, plants are a huge part of your office. Plants can help you to increase your productivity by over 15%. Even if you have a sparse and clear office on purpose, you still need to add a few plants as this is a great way for you to boost your space. Having plants can boost the productivity of your team and they can also boost air quality. If you can’t bring yourself to look after a plant, you’re not alone. There are things you can do here, such as opting for an artificial plant instead.

Soft Desk Lamp

Soft desk lamps are great. Lots of business offices have garish lighting that is just too much overhead. If you want to do something about this then give your team different options. If you can do this then you are bound to see a huge improvement in their happiness, and it also means that you will end up using less electricity overall. Additionally, it helps to let some natural light in. If your current offices do not facilitate this too much then make sure that you take steps to change that. If you don’t then you may find that your team is never as productive as they could be, when in reality, all of this could be avoided. If you are concerned about energy efficiency, it could be wise for you to install some motion-sensor lights too. This will help you to ensure that everyone is 


Why Digital Marketing Is Vital For Businesses

Every entrepreneur has heard they need to advertise their business before. Digital marketing is the most commonly recommended option for this, with there being a range of strategies to use, like search engine optimization (SEO) being the most notable. There are multiple reasons why it’s recommended, as it can add quite a bit to a business.

It could be vital, as 93% of all online experiences start with a search engine. As the below infographic shows, 70% of clicks on websites are organic traffic, making pay-per-click advertising a secondary concern after SEO.

The companies that generate these links are engaged in various activities that feed into their SEO strategy. Blogging is one of the more notable, and businesses engaged in this have 97% more inbound links. These are often vital to an SEO strategy’s success, making them worth getting.

Search engines, like Google, value these more than links that’ve been paid for. Companies rank better with them, while ones found to have multiple paid links tend to be penalized.

Outside of SEO, social media marketing has shown to be a major driver in a digital marketing campaign’s success. With 1.15 billion people on Facebook alone, social media has an exceptional market that can be tapped into.

A whopping 93% of marketers already know this and use it for their marketing. They also know how much value videos can add, both to their blogging efforts and to their social media strategies. With blogging, for example, they’re 267% more likely to generate links.

Check out the infographic below for more key stats.

Infographic design by Baldwin Digital

Maximising Your Warehouse Space

When growing your business, you don’t always have the funds to rent or buy more warehouse space. But when the warehouse is a must-have part of your business, you must find other ways to make the most of it without expansion. Much of making the most of your warehouse will come down to using your business analytics to make smart decisions about which products should go where. 


Something that costs no money but will take time is a simple reorganisation of your products. Almost all businesses, when they first have a warehouse, don’t use the space effectively, and that causes chaos later on. 

Take a look at your products and consider whether they could be moved into a better place. Grouping products by type or frequency of purchase together can make a big improvement pretty quickly. 


Without good inventory management, you will likely have many excess products. And perhaps you have decided to keep them because you might manage to sell them later. Usually, the excess product is excess for a reason. The space that you have shouldn’t be used for products that might not sell. 

Make it your mission to dispose of these items. You can bulk sell them on eBay or donate them depending on the product. Either way, removing it will make room for products that actually sell. 


Adding an extra floor will give you a lot more almost immediately. A mezzanine floor offers extra floor space that can be used for storage or used as an office space. No matter what size of mezzanine you decide to add, you will be increasing the square footage of the warehouse – and as a bonus, they are flexible, so you can have them anywhere you need. 


If you don’t need to use a forklift, then you can have your racks as close together as you like within reason. A narrow aisle can make it difficult for a regular forklift to travel and get products. It is possible to increase the total amount of storage you have if you don’t need to have a 12ft aisle width (standard forklift). 


Containers can be the best way to store products. Ensuring that the measurements of the products are taken in advance so you know that you can fit the right quantity of products that can be stored in them. Containers can be stacked and organised so that you can find inventory faster when required. 


Overly complicated storage methods will slow the process down in other ways and ultimately make picking and packing more difficult. While simple is best, try to avoid random organisation (where you put anything anywhere so long as it fits). Random organisation makes the best use of the space, which means you can rarely find what you need at high speed. 

Talk a walk through the warehouse, and use the purchase information to make smart decisions about the layout. Take into account hazards, electric sockets, emergency exits and more. 

Improved warehouse management is part of the back end of your business, and there is always room for improvement; here are some other tips: Improving the ‘Back End’ of Your Business